
Student commits suicide even after getting 1st division in matriculation

A student committed suicide by hanging himself in Surumpur village of Silav police station area of ​​Nalanda district of Bihar. The deceased has been identified as Sahil Kumar, 16-year-old son of Nagendra Singh. Sahil Kumar had given his matriculation examination from Silav Shri Gandhi II High School. On March 31, the result of Bihar Board Matriculation examination came in which deceased Sahil Kumar passed in first division. But he was not satisfied with his result.

numbers came less than expected

Regarding this incident, the family members of the deceased told that Sahil was very good in studies. But when his marks in the matriculation examination were less than expected, Sahil went into depression. After having dinner on Sunday night, he went to sleep where he committed suicide by hanging himself around his neck.

In the morning, when Sahil’s mother went to wake him up to drink tea, she saw that the door of his room was locked from inside. When no sound came from inside even after calling a lot, the mother feared something untoward. After this, nearby people were called and the door of the room was broken and everyone was left speechless after seeing the sight inside.

Sahil committed suicide by hanging himself from the fan

Sahil’s body was hanging from the fan in the room, as soon as the parents and family members saw it, there was chaos among the parents. The body of the teenager was brought down from the fan and the police was informed about this. As soon as information about the incident was received, Silav police reached the spot and sent the body for post-mortem.

Sahil was the eldest among three brothers. The atmosphere of the family is sad after his death. People say that Sahil was good at studies and they were hopeful that he would pass with good marks.

suicide is not a solution

It is also important to keep in mind that there are chances of passing or failing in exams. There can be not one but many reasons for the result being bad or not as expected. In such a situation, students should try to remain calm and avoid any kind of suicidal thoughts. This is because there is nothing bigger than life. Parents should also take care that they stand emotionally with their children, love them and have faith in their abilities. If a child’s mental health is being affected due to poor results, then he should seek advice from a trusted person or an expert.

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