
Stock market is going to open again on Saturday, there will be live trading in National Stock Exchange, understand the whole thing

Share Market: There is no trading in the Indian stock market on Saturday. But, a big change is going to happen in the month of March. A live trading session is being organized by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) on Saturday, March 2. This special session is being organized to test the preparedness of NSE in case of any unexpected disaster. It is being told that during this period Intraday Disaster Recovery (DR) will be switched to the site. Issuing a circular, NSE said that the exchange will conduct a special live trading session on Saturday, March 02, 2024 in the equity and equity derivatives segments with intra-day switch from the primary site to the disaster recovery site.

The market was also open on 20th January

Earlier the special session was to be organized on January 20. But on 22nd January, due to the consecration of Ram temple, the market was closed and flower trading session was organized on 20th January itself. Along with this, the stock market was closed on 22 January. Two trading sessions were to be organized on this day. The first special session was of 45 minutes and the second trading session was of 60 minutes.

Trading will take place in two sessions

According to the National Stock Exchange, two sessions of the special trading session will be organized. The first one will start at 9:15 am and will continue till 10 am. During this period, trading will be done through the primary website of NSE. The second session will run for one hour from 11:30 am from the disaster recovery site of NSE.

keep these things in mind

It is important to keep some things in mind during live trading sessions. During this period, the upper and lower circuit limit for securities in the special session will be up to 5 percent. During this time, such stocks which trade in F&O segment will also be included. In those securities which already have upper and lower circuit limits of 2 percent, the limit of 2 percent will continue. These measures prevent excessive volatility and maintain market stability during live trading sessions.

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