
Spring Face Care: Take care of your face in spring, make this face pack easily at home.

Spring Face Care

Spring Face Care: With the arrival of spring season you see many changes in the environment. In such a situation, you will also see changes in your skin. We feel that in this season we do not need to take much care of our skin. But this is not right because in this season there are many changes in temperature which can irritate the skin or make it sensitive. Therefore it is important that you take care of your skin. Therefore, today we have brought for you some face packs which you can easily make and use in your home.

Aloe Vera

aloe vera and honey

Aloe vera protects your skin and acts like an antiseptic and honey provides moisture to your skin. If your skin is sensitive and dry then this face pack is good for you.



Turmeric helps in removing dark spots and pigmentation from your skin and honey reduces acne in your skin. By applying this 3-4 times a week, you will see a lot of improvement in your skin.



Antioxidants are found in papaya which help in removing dead skin cells from your skin. Mix papaya with lemon and honey and get glow on your face.


Sugar, Honey and Coconut Oil

Sugar acts as a natural scrub that cleans your skin’s pores and removes dead skin cells, and coconut oil and honey hydrate your skin.



Vitamin A and C are found in banana which are essential for healthy skin. Mash it, mix it with honey and apply it on your face. It protects the skin from damage caused by the sun. It is very good for sensitive skin.

Orange Peel

Orange peel

Oranges are full of vitamin C and antioxidants. It helps a lot in removing tan and brings glow on the skin. To make this face pack, grind orange peel, mix it with honey and apply it on your face.


Cucumber and Milk

If you want to regain the lost moisture in your skin, then you can apply this face pack. Mix cucumber with milk and honey, blend it and apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes.



Tomato is good for oily skin. Make a paste by mixing tomato with honey and apply it on your face, leave it to dry, then wash it and see that your skin will start feeling better than before.



Pomegranate helps in detoxifying your skin and also protects the skin from damage caused by UV rays. You can grind pomegranate and mix it with rose water and apply. This will make your skin feel very fresh.

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