
Son who came to Bihar from Delhi along with his friends murdered his father, the reason will surprise you

A son kept waiting to take revenge for his father’s beating in his childhood. When he became young, he along with his friends planned to take revenge from his father. Then he quietly came to Jamui from Delhi and along with his friends killed his father by stabbing him with a knife. The police have arrested the son accused of murder. The matter is related to Khaira police station area of ​​Jamui district. From where the police had recovered a dead body on February 3. The deceased was identified as Karu Sah, father Jagdish Sah, resident of Dubba village of Sono police station area. The police, while uncovering this murder case, have arrested the son of the accused involved in the murder.

murder with knives

In this case, Superintendent of Police Dr. Shaurya Suman said that while doing technical research in this case, Sujit Kumar, son of deceased Karu Sah, who lives in Delhi, has been arrested. SP told that he secretly came to Jamui from Delhi and then killed his father Karu Sah by stabbing him with knives. After this, his body was taken away from the auto and thrown under the Nariana bridge and the auto was parked there on top of the bridge.

Police had found an abandoned dead body

On February 3, the police had received information that a dead body of a person was lying near the Nariana bridge. After this, the police took action in the case and took the said body and auto into their custody. After this, this information was given to the relatives of the deceased.

The matter was revealed within six hours

Superintendent of Police said that after getting information about the incident, the wife of the deceased came to Khaira police station with her mother and pretended to cry there. An FIR was lodged on the basis of his statement. The Superintendent of Police said that this case was solved in just six hours, but raids were being conducted to arrest the murder accused involved in it. During this time the police got success and Sujit Kumar was arrested.

Kept waiting to take revenge for father’s beating

Let us tell you that when the police arrested Sujit Kumar, son of deceased Karu Sah and interrogated him, the matter came to light. He told that there was a dispute going on between his mother and his father for a long time. At that time he was very young and had seen his mother being tortured. His father used to beat him also. In such a situation, he had made up his mind to take revenge from his father in his childhood itself. Then he went to Delhi with his mother and started living there.

Police recovered the knife

His mother still lives in Delhi. During this time, he conspired to commit this murder with his friends Mannu Kumar, resident of Delhi, and Vishal Kumar, resident of Madhya Pradesh. All three reached Jamui and killed Karu Sah. Police have also recovered the knife used in the murder. SP said that the arrested Sujit Kumar is being interrogated and he is being sent to judicial custody. While the police is conducting raids to arrest the remaining two criminals.

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