
Some interesting facts related to Election Result, do you know?

Assembly Election 2023: Who will form the government in the four states will be decided today i.e. on 03 December. Counting of votes for the assembly elections held in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Telangana is continuing from 8 am. Meanwhile, you will also have many questions in your mind regarding the election results. Like what is the full form of EVM? Where was EVM used for the first time? What does BLO mean? How are votes cast in EVMs counted? Know the answers to every question related to counting here.

What is EVM?

The full form of EVM is Electronic Voting Machine. This is a machine that people use to cast their vote on election day. Through this machine any person can cast his vote for any political party. In this machine, different buttons are appointed for different appointments which also have the symbol of that party on them and all these are connected with the electronic ballot box through cables. An EVM consists of two units, the control unit and the balloting unit. Both of them are connected to each other through a five meter cable. When a voter presses any button, any candidate can be tabbed in such a machine. It locks you out. In such a situation, a new ballot number is required to open the EVM. Otherwise it cannot be opened. This ensures that a person can vote only once. After the voting is over, all the EVMs are sealed and taken to a safe place. Then on the scheduled date, the votes received by each candidate are counted and the candidate who gets the most votes from a constituency is declared elected. goes.

Where was EVM used for the first time

EVMs were first used in 1982 at 50 booths in Paravur assembly constituency of Ernakulam, Kerala. In 1992, Parliament inserted Section 61A in the Act and Rules to legalize the use of EVMs and pave the way for their use in elections. The Election Commission started using EVMs widely from 1998.

What does BLO mean?

BLO means Booth Level Officer, who is the representative of the Election Commission of India. BLO is a local government or semi-government member. At the fundamental level, the BLO plays an essential role in the process of roll revision and collects information about the actual polling area allotted to him. The registered person is instructed by the BLO to become an elector and obtain the voting card. BLO is the interface between local people and politicians.

Where are the votes counted, what is it called?

A room is made for counting of votes, it is called strong room. In this room, votes are counted and votes are also cast. Let us tell you that on the day of counting, EVM machines are brought from the polling booth and kept. Not everyone can reach here. The Election Commission remains fully vigilant for its security.

For how many days does the data remain safe in EVM?

Actually, the lifespan of an EVM is 15 years. After this he is retired. But if we talk about data, then the data can be kept safe forever. Its data is removed when preparations for new voting are made after deleting it.

What do you understand by counting?

counting or Counting of votes starts with the counting of Postal Ballot (PB) and Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot (ETPB). These votes are counted under the supervision of the returning officer. Counting of votes cast in Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) can begin only half an hour after the counting of Postal Ballot (PB) and Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot (ETPB) begins.

What does round mean in counting of votes?

Often on the day of counting we hear that the first round, second round or first trend, second trend has arrived. Let us tell you that round or trend means counting of votes cast in 14 EVMs. When the votes cast in 14 EVMs are counted, it is considered a round or the first trend.

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