
Soldier from Agra died during election duty in Kota, jam was held keeping the dead body to give him the status of martyr.

Agra : A soldier died of a heart attack while on election duty in Rajasthan. After this, the dead body of the soldier was brought by ambulance to his residence located in Bah area of ​​Agra. As soon as the news of the soldier’s demise was received, a wave of mourning spread throughout the village. The family members are in bad condition and crying. The soldier was posted on election duty in Kota, Rajasthan. The family members blocked the road by keeping the dead body of the soldier and raised the demand of giving the soldier the status of martyr. There was a traffic jam in Bah market for a long time. After which the top officials gave assurance to the family members and villagers, only then the traffic jam was cleared. According to the information received, Neeraj Singh Gautam, a resident of Bijauli village near Agra in Kota, Rajasthan, was doing election duty. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Neeraj Gautam suddenly suffered a heart attack and died on the spot. He was immediately taken to the hospital by the security personnel present at the spot. Where the doctors declared him dead.

The news of the demise of soldier Neeraj Singh Gautam was given to his family. After which there was screaming among the family members. Gradually this news spread throughout the village and a wave of mourning spread in the surrounding areas. On Thursday morning, the dead body of the soldier was brought by ambulance from Kota to his village in Bah located in Agra. As soon as the dead body of the soldier arrived, a crowd of hundreds of people gathered at the spot. After the dead body of the soldier reached the village, the family members and villagers raised the demand of giving martyr status to Neeraj Singh Gautam. With which he brought the mortal remains of the martyr to Bah market. And after blocking the road, they kept the dead body there. The family members kept the Bah Bazaar completely closed for about four hours. All the vehicles remained stuck for a long time due to the jam. After that SDM and ACP reached the spot and remained busy in understanding the people for a long time.

The family members created a ruckus to give the status of martyr to Neeraj Singh Gautam and build a memorial in his name at the funeral site. In such a situation, the SDM and ACP consoled the soldier’s family members and the villagers and pacified them. Along with this, the place of the soldier’s funeral and memorial has also been marked.

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