
Smugglers transported gold worth 100 crores from Hong Kong to Nepal, Indian caught secretly carrying in flight

Breach of security at Nepal airport is not a new thing. Smuggled gold weighing about 100 kg was recovered from the brake shoe of the scooter. Smugglers had brought it on Wednesday night after passing custom checks etc. A consignment of gold weighing 100 kg brought from Hong Kong to Kathmandu was recovered by the revenue research team while keeping it in a taxi after customs check from the office of Airport Bhansar. After this seizure, serious questions have started to arise on the internal security of the Kathmandu airport as well as on the officers and employees.

Biggest consignment ever recovered

Director General of Revenue Research Department Navraj Dhungana said that the consignment of gold was brought in the cover of ‘brake shoe’ of the scooter in a flight from Hong Kong to Kythe Pacific at 10 pm. This is the first incident of catching such a large amount of gold smuggling at one go in Nepal. Earlier in 2019, the driver of the vehicle was arrested from Kshetrapati in Kathmandu along with 88 kg gold brought to Nepal by Chinese smugglers.

Arrest of 6 people including Indian citizen

At the same time, in this latest incident, 6 people including an Indian citizen have been arrested so far. According to the Director General, research is going on now, other details are yet to come and arrests are yet to be made. The same Bhansar office passed the gold after the investigation in an uninterrupted form, in which all the officers involved are being suspended and the investigation is going on.

Action in one quintal gold smuggling case

Thupten Chirang, an Indian citizen of Tibetan origin, has been arrested for his involvement in smuggling 100 kilos of gold. Prior to Chiring’s arrest, the Department of Revenue Research had arrested five including Bhansar agent, director of Ready Traders, a company that procured goods.

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