
Slow house tax collection picks up pace in Aligarh, Municipal Corporation recovers Rs 57 crore


Aligarh. House tax collection which was slow in Aligarh has picked up pace. Record breaking Rs 57 crore has been collected in revenue collection. The government’s set target of 36 crores has been left behind. Aligarh Municipal Corporation has recorded record recovery in the financial year 2022-23. As against 24 crore 17 lakh in the financial year 2021-22, in the financial year 2022-23, 46 crore 2 lakhs including exemption and 11 crores in non-tax. Overall, a record recovery of Rs 57 crore has been made. Record recovery has been done this year as compared to last year.

Increasing house tax collection is considered as its top priority

Municipal Commissioner Amit Aseri continued to monitor, field visits and take action against big defaulters and collect property tax in lump sum with full dedication to speed up the slow recovery of house tax. Aligarh Municipal Corporation’s slow house tax collection picked up pace in the last 6 months. At the end of the financial year 2022-23, a record 46 crore 2 lakh house tax and 11 crore in non-tax, total revenue recovery of 57 crore has been recorded. A record recovery of Rs 4 crore 17 lakh has been made from April to September 2022 and Rs 57 crore from October to March 2023.

Recovery made in excess of the target

In the year 2022-23, Rs 46 crore 2 lakh has been recovered against the fixed target of Rs 36 crore. While in the last financial year Rs 30 crore was recovered against the target of Rs 33 crore. Municipal Commissioner Amit Aseri said that to make all the development work and civic amenities of the Municipal Corporation effective, the increase in house tax collection and achieving the target was his top priority. Certainly Aligarh Municipal Corporation has collected record house tax in this financial year.


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