
Sky jump of 42 NCC cadets, jumped from a height of 1250 feet with Army General, girls’ enthusiasm is high

Agra. 42 NCC cadets, who were receiving training and experience of air jumping for 22 days at the Parachute Training Center (PTS) located at Agra Air Base, Uttar Pradesh, did air jump from the drop zone located in Malpura. During this time, everyone was thrilled to see the courage and strength of the NCC cadets. Along with the cadets, NCC Director General Lieutenant General Gurbir Pal Singh also encouraged the cadets. Along with him, he jumped with parachute from a height of thousands of feet. Let us tell you that 42 NCC cadets were selected from different states of India. Which includes 22 boys and 20 girls. They were being provided training and experience of air jumping from AN 32 from a height of about 1250 feet from 1 November to 22 November. After learning all the nuances of air jumping, all these cadets took off in AN 32 and then air jumped with the help of parachute from the drop zone at Malpura.

tricolor parachute

On Thursday 22nd November, all these cadets were to take off at around 10:30 am, but due to bad weather the Air Force aircraft could not take off. After this, at around 3:00 pm, the Air Force plane carrying all 42 cadets along with NCC Director General Lieutenant General Gurbir Pal Singh and Major General Vikram Kumar reached the drop zone at Malpura. First of all a parajumper was launched so that the direction of the wind could be determined. In the second time, about 14 NCC cadets made the air jump with the help of parachute. Other cadets completed aerial jumps in the second and third flights.

Trainee paratrooper also jumped

Along with this, aerial jumping using ComBack free fall parachute was also demonstrated by ComBack trainee soldiers. First of all, the soldier landed in the drop zone with a parachute painted in the colors of the tricolor and after that about 4 to 5 other soldiers came down with parachutes. In which a soldier jumped from the air with a parachute along with a weapon. NCC Director General Gurbir Pal Singh said that about 42 NCC cadets have been selected from all over the country. In which there are 22 boys and 20 girls. These people have jumped from a height of 1250 feet. This was his first jump. Apart from this, there will be two more jumps and I have also got the opportunity to do aerial jump with them. We provide various activities to the cadets which include mountaineering, sealing and para jumping.

The girls included in the cadets told that we were a little scared before jumping. All that was going on in my mind was what would happen? But as soon as we got ready to jump, we saw an open sky. Actually this earth looks very beautiful from above. We remembered whatever we were taught in training and jumped.

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