
Shukrawar Ke Upay: This auspicious yoga is being formed on Friday, please Goddess Lakshmi with these 5 surefire remedies.

A very auspicious combination of Pushya Nakshatra has been formed on the first Friday of the month of December. Coincidentally the day is also Friday. Friday is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. Due to the coincidence of Pushya Nakshatra on this day, this day has become even more special. By doing any important work related to money and business on this day, your future will be very auspicious. If you do this work to make the Friday of Margashirsha month more auspicious, then Goddess Lakshmi will be pleased with you.

Take bath on Friday morning and meditate on Goddess Lakshmi. After this, invite daughters from 5 different houses to come to your house in the evening. Make the 5 girls who come home sit in your house with respect in the evening and then worship Goddess Lakshmi. Offer milk, makhana and rice kheer to Goddess Lakshmi. After that give this kheer to 5 girls to eat. After this give some Dakshina to all of them. After this, touch his feet and take his blessings. After this, send them off respectfully from your home. By following this remedy, Goddess Lakshmi will fill your house with wealth.

On Friday morning, after taking bath, donate white grains to the needy people before consuming water. By doing this the position of Venus in your horoscope will be strengthened. Along with this, Mother Lakshmi will also be kind to you. Because Friday is dedicated to the planet Venus along with Goddess Lakshmi. Venus is considered to have an influence on white food items. Therefore, by doing this you will benefit financially.

Mother Lakshmi is also pleased by donating to a married woman on Friday. Before doing this, worship Goddess Lakshmi in the morning. Then offer them all the wedding paraphernalia like bangles, bindi and vermilion. In the evening, recite Kanakdhara Stotra and offer white barfi to Goddess Lakshmi. Then, keep one of the things kept on the mother as Prasad from the Suhaag material and donate the rest to a needy married woman. Give sweets also. By following this remedy you will not have to face financial crisis.

Before taking bath on Friday, put cardamom powder in a bucket of water. By doing this your influence and popularity among people will increase. Happiness, peace and prosperity will increase in your home. According to the scriptures, using cardamom on Friday is considered very auspicious. This increases the compatibility of Venus in your horoscope. With this your attractiveness increases and your financial condition becomes stronger.

Mother Lakshmi likes fragrant things very much. Therefore buy 2 bottles of perfume on Friday. Donate one bottle to the temple and take a little perfume from the other bottle and apply it at the feet of Goddess Lakshmi and use the remaining perfume yourself. With this remedy your Venus becomes stronger. With the grace of Mother Lakshmi, your wealth increases.

Astrologer Sanjeet Kumar Mishra

Astrology Vastu and Gemstone Expert


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