
Short term courses like content creator, AI, DM, coding, data science are in demand; Earnings are in lakhs

After completing MBA, BBA, B.Tech, BCA, MCA, BJMC and various engineering courses, it is believed that one gets job placement at a good salary. But this is true now only to some extent. Because now traditional courses are not enough to get a good job and respectable package. In this era of digitalization, rapid changes are taking place.. Now is the era of extra skills. Only those who have extra skills to keep pace with the pace of digitalization will survive in the era of change. From global companies to now Indian companies are also giving preference to candidates with extra skills. Along with traditional studies, smart learning is also necessary for a job.

These extra courses are in demand

In today’s era, many extra skills are in demand. These include many courses including Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, Coding, Web Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Content Creator, Cyber ​​Security, Cloud Computing. The youth have now started focusing on skill oriented courses along with traditional courses. To get a good package, courses with extra skills are the need of the hour. The inclination towards such courses has also increased among the youth.

There is demand for these courses

1. Data Scientist

Data Scientist is now required in every field. In today’s era, data scientists are earning more than IT employees. In this, data exploration, manipulation and visualization is taught. Also, you can get information about text mining statistics, machine learning, logistic regression and support vector machine.

Course duration 11 months

2. Artificial Intelligence

Modern machines are now replacing human resources, but human resources are also required to prepare these machines. There are many AI courses available. This course can be done after engineering.

Course duration 11 months

3. Cyber ​​Security Expert

In this era of digitalization, hacking has emerged as the biggest vision. This is an opportunity for cyber security experts. Only cyber security experts can deal with it. Hence, the demand for certification program in this is highest.

Course duration 6 months

4. Accountancy with Tally

Tally is a course which is very beneficial for computer accountancy. The course of tally.erp 9 with tally.erp 9 and Microsoft Office is also available in short term. Due to this, the candidate gets additional knowledge of maintaining tele which is quite beneficial. Is.

Course Duration 50 Hours

5. Digital Marketing Course

Instead of traditional marketing, the culture of marketing through social media platforms is in full swing. All companies have emphasis on digital marketing. In this short term course, intricacies like CEO strategy, web analytics, affiliate marketing etc. can be learned. This is a very good course for women.

Course duration 15 to 20 hours

6. Advanced Programming in Engineering

This is such a short term course which gives a lot of benefits to engineering students during placement. They get higher salary offers than ordinary students. In this, students are taught basic programming.

Course Duration 50 Hours

These are the benefits of job oriented courses

1. High salary

Short term courses provide better opportunities to the youth than their competitors. Because they have more knowledge than the youth doing normal courses. Because of this they also get high salary growth.

2. Better Career Opportunity

Upscaling provides greater opportunities for career. With this, the youth become capable of working even in those sectors in which they could not even think of working earlier. They start getting more opportunities in more areas.

3. Practical Knowledge

There are many online or offline educational institutions which provide short term courses along with work on real life projects. This strengthens the practical knowledge and this experience helps in the form of extra skills to work in any organization.

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