
Shopkeepers protested against removal of encroachment in Bistupur of East Singhbhum, many injured in lathi charge, see VIDEO

Jamshedpur: Following the strictness of Jharkhand High Court, to improve the traffic system of the city, the flying squad team of Jamshedpur Axis on Friday removed the encroachment on Bistupur Diagonal Road. During this, the encroached portion in front of three shops was demolished with JCB. As soon as the campaign started, the shopkeepers united and started protesting. Local shopkeepers under the leadership of Mahesh Sonthalia and five-six other shopkeepers demanded the Jamshedpur Access officials to show them the notice. During this time, a scuffle started between the soldiers of the flying squad and the shopkeepers. After this, the flying squad personnel charged the shopkeepers with batons. Started swinging sticks to disperse the crowd. The shopkeepers were chased and beaten. Seeing the strictness of Jamshedpur access, shopkeepers had to run away from there. Only then the matter calmed down. The team included Jamshedpur Axis Special Officer Arvind Tirkey, Engineer MK Pradhan, City Manager Prakash Sahu, Ravi Bharti, Jai Gudiya and flying squad team personnel.

City manager of Jamshedpur Access, four injured including engineer
During the removal of encroachment in Bistupur, the city manager and engineer of Jamshedpur Axis and two employees were also injured. City Manager Ravi Bharti was injured in his jaw, hand and back, Engineer MK Pradhan was injured in his left hand, Vinod Tiwari’s leg and Ganesh Ram’s hand. All the injured were treated at MGM Hospital. By order of the Suburban Commissioner, the encroaching shopkeepers in Bistupur Diagonal Road were ordered to remove the encroachment themselves on Friday morning.

Lathi charge on businessmen is not acceptable
Here, Mukesh Mittal, former vice president of Singhbhum Chamber of Commerce and Industries, said that lathi charging on businessmen is not acceptable anywhere. We protest in the strongest terms against this incident and will meet the Deputy Commissioner regarding this. If necessary, protests will also be held. In protest against this incident, businessmen have decided to wear black badges from Saturday and go on strike if action is not taken against the guilty officials.

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Condemnation of lathicharge
Akash Shah, business representative of MLA Saryu Rai and spokesperson of Bharatiya Jantantra Morcha, Jamshedpur metropolis, has condemned the lathicharge on traders and shopkeepers. He said that shopkeepers doing business with scales in their hands were treated like criminals in the name of removing encroachment. The entire city is under encroachment. The administration is applying Kajal in one eye and Surma in the other eye. This action of the administration will be opposed.

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