
Shani Dev: Saturn will remain in the constellation of Rahu till the year 2024, these zodiac signs will have to be careful

In astrology, Shani Dev is called the giver of karmic results and the lord of justice. The emotions they pass through during their transit increase the conflict. According to the scriptures, without struggles, a person’s nature and character do not improve. This is the reason why Shani Dev gives very good results after struggle. Apart from Venus and Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are also among Saturn’s friendly zodiac signs. Rahu is said to be a zodiac sign giving results like Saturn. Now Shani Maharaj has transited in the constellation of his friend Rahu, Shatabhisha. In such a situation, those in whose horoscope Saturn is the lord of auspicious houses can suddenly get huge benefits.

In the month of March this year, Shani Dev has entered Shatabhisha, the twenty-fourth constellation out of 27 constellations. Shatabhisha Nakshatra comes under Aquarius and is ruled by Rahu. Shani Dev has transited in Shatabhisha Nakshatra at 08:40 am on 24th November. Shani Maharaj will remain here till 03:55 pm on April 6, 2024. With Shani Dev entering Shatabhisha Nakshatra, there is sure to be significant change in the lives of all the 12 zodiac signs.

India’s credibility will increase in the world due to the change in the constellation of Saturn. This year, Indian scientists and doctors will get new technologies and medicines for mysterious and deadly diseases. Measures to prevent infectious diseases will be discovered in a better way. The possibility of political turmoil and natural disasters will increase. There will be protests, processions, demonstrations and arrests. There will be political changes in the country and the world. There will be a change in the power organization.

Along with this, a round of allegations and counter-allegations will also continue. Sudden seasonal changes may also occur. Good news can be received from hilly areas. There will be ups and downs in the Indian Stock Medical Traveling Dairy Products stock market. Some unpleasant incident may happen in a religious place or a holy place. Sad news from political leaders, vehicle related incident and possibility of attack. Tension may increase in relations with nations. Business relationships may be affected. There may be an increase in mutual conflict between the country and the world and the work of sending spies to each other’s country.

There will be mixed effects on Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces. People of Leo, Libra and Sagittarius zodiac signs will have to be careful. Do not get embroiled in debate. Just concentrate on your work. Be cautious about your health.

Astrologer Sanjit Kumar Mishra

Astrology Vastu and Gemstone Expert


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