
Seven youths from Bihar who went to work are stranded in Jordan, pleading with the Indian government to return to their country.

Sitamarhi. Seven people from Sitamarhi district, who went abroad to earn money to improve the financial condition of their family, are badly stuck in the Middle East country Jordan. These include four people from Suppi and one from Bathnaha. Junaid Baitha, 28, son of Chulhai Baitha, resident of Chaudhary Tola of Bathnaha village, told through WhatsApp calling that he had come to Jordan to work on 28 August 2021, but the company was closed one and a half months ago. Even three months salary and allowances are not being received. Due to lack of money, he is not able to return to his country.

Junaid told that apart from 120 other Indians working with him in the company, dozens of people from Nepal are also trapped. There are dozens of Bengali people also. Everyone has made a video requesting the Indian government to pay their salaries and bring them back to India. It was told that Indian people had also contacted the Embassy, ​​but no solution could be found. At the same time, the local administration says that initiative will be taken in this matter after receiving written application from the victim’s family.

What do Junaid’s family say?

Junaid’s family members told that when he did not get work during the lockdown, he went to Jordan in 2021. From where he used to send money every month. But for the last three months he has neither sent the money nor returned home. It was told that the company where Junaid worked has been closed and his work permit has also expired. Due to which he is not getting work in any other company. Due to lack of permit, the police is also troubling us. The company in which he was working had given assurance of permit renewal. But, meanwhile the company was closed.

Visa and passport also confiscated

Here, four youths of Suppi told their family members that they were facing a lot of problems due to the closure of the company. Visa and passport have also been confiscated by the company. The passes issued to go out of the company premises are also not being issued, due to which the workers are left imprisoned. There is difficulty in eating, drinking and going out.

Will demand DM and MP to take initiative

Babhangama Ramanagara Panchayat head Ranjit Kumar said that after informing the DM, he will soon request to make efforts for the return of the stranded workers to their homeland. Sasaula Panchayat head and BJP Mandal President Hemant Kumar Mishra said that he will inform MP Rama Devi about this and request him to establish relations with the Ministry of External Affairs and get the youth returned to their country.

what do officials say

Sitamarhi Labor Superintendent Subodh Kumar said in this regard that this is an international matter. This matter can be resolved only from Delhi. If we receive a written complaint from the victim’s families, then on the basis of that we will inform the Labor Commissioner at Bihar Bhawan in Delhi. Further action can be taken as per rules from the level of Labor Commissioner.

Action on receipt of written application

Sadar SDO Prashant Kumar said that if the victim’s family gives a written application to the administration in this matter, action will be taken through appropriate channel. Also, all possible help will be given to the victim’s family.

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