
Scrap old vehicles and get a profit of Rs 50,000!

Delhi Government A big step is going to be taken to promote the removal of old vehicles and purchase of new vehicles. Government increases road tax on such vehicles 50,000 It is proposing to provide a subsidy of up to Rs. 10,000 to vehicles that have completed their life cycle and have better emission standards.

The transport department has prepared a draft policy on scrapping old vehicles.

The Transport Department has prepared a draft policy on scrapping old vehicles, which will soon be put up for public suggestions. Officials said the policy has currently been sent to the Finance Department of the Delhi government for approval as it involves spending public money in the form of subsidies.

Pollution is a big problem

A senior government official said that a large number of vehicles which have completed their lifespan continue to ply on the city roads and pollute the environment. The transport department had earlier started seizing such vehicles and sending them to scrappers, but the practice had to be stopped after the intervention of the Delhi High Court.

Draft prepared on the instructions of the court

On the instructions of the court, the government has now prepared a draft policy on removal of vehicles. An official said there may be different slabs of discount on commercial and private vehicles.

No petrol vehicle older than 15 years and diesel vehicle older than 10 years is allowed to run in the National Capital Region.

According to the rules, no petrol vehicle of 15 years and no diesel vehicle of 10 years is allowed to run in the National Capital Region. According to the 2023 statistical booklet, around 55 lakh vehicles were de-registered in the capital in 2021-22 and 2022-23, but only 1.4 lakh were scrapped, while the owners took NOC from the transport department in NCR. 6.3 lakh vehicles were registered outside India.

People are still keeping their old vehicles, either driving them recklessly

“This shows that people are still keeping their old vehicles, either driving them recklessly, raising air quality concerns, or parking them in residential areas or parking lots,” an official said. “The new policy is being brought to encourage and encourage people to phase out old and polluting vehicles and buy new vehicles,” the official said.

You will get exemption in road tax on scrapping.

Officials said people will be issued a “certificate of deposit” on scrapping their vehicles, which will have to be attached with the registration papers when purchasing new vehicles to avail exemption in road tax. The certificate will remain valid for a few years. Officials said that concession in road tax will be given only for that category of vehicles which will be scrapped.

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