
Saryu Rai raised questions on the death of fishes in Jubilee Park, said – the officer’s statement is not satisfactory

Demand for investigation of samples of fishes, aquatic vegetation and silt of the pond

Saryu Rai said that the District Fisheries Officer should get the samples of pond water, dead and live fishes, aquatic plants and pond silt tested in the government’s laboratory. Saryu Rai said that he had long ago advised the Jusco management to expand Tata Zoo to the front of the pond and conduct the above tests so that the balance of impurities in the water of the lake could be known. From which areas does the water flow into Jayanti Sarovar, is there any drain that is coming out from inside the steel factory. It should be investigated what effect the water flowing from these drains is having on Jayanti Sarovar.

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