
Sand lifting from rivers continues despite prohibition, NGT bans it till October 15

Despite the prohibition of the National Green Tribunal (NGT), the lifting and smuggling of sand from the rivers in the district continues unabated. Every day sand is being lifted illegally on a large scale, due to which the government is losing lakhs of rupees in revenue. The existence of rivers is in danger due to indiscriminate lifting of sand. The NGT has banned the lifting of sand from the rivers from June 10 to October 15. Even after this sand lifting and smuggling is not taking the name of stopping. Meetings are being held from time to time to completely stop sand lifting, but due to no action, no effect is visible on the sand mafia.

Every day the lifting of sand is being sent to another place by tractor. Sand is also being transported in many projects being run in the district. Apart from the construction of government and non-government buildings, illegally raised sand is also being used in the PCC road. Illegal sand is also being used in the construction of culvert by the railway contractor. The officials involved in the administration and the task force are aware of illegal lifting of sand, yet they remain silent.

Due to some kind of action, the morale of the sand mafia has increased. The work of many projects is going on in Tandwa, in which illegal sand is being used. Deputy Commissioner Abu Imran has given directions to the officials involved in the district and block level task force to strictly follow the instructions of the NGT. Even after this, illegal lifting of sand continues. Sometimes the district and block level task force is doing only Khanapuri by holding one or two tractors laden with sand illegally. Sand is being lifted from the rivers of Hunterganj, Gidhaur, Chatra, Pathalgadda, Kanhachatti, Itkhori, Tandwa, Simaria, Pratappur and other blocks of the district.

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