
Sam Altman, creator of ChatGPT, said – AI will replace humans…

Can AI Replace Human Care? Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the company that developed ChatGPT, has said that artificial intelligence (AI) will not replace human care for each other in the same way. The computer could not finish the game of chess.

Where should AI be used?

Sam Altman, speaking at a recent session on ‘Technology in a Turbulent World’ at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, said that despite AI’s currently very limited potential and significant shortcomings, people are increasingly using it for productivity and other benefits. Looking for ways to increase.

Limitations of AI

People are much more understanding of the limitations of devices, Altman said. People understand to a large extent why it should not be used. The top official of OpenAI said that AI will be able to explain its logic to us.

AI capable of reading user’s mind

He said, I can’t look into your brain to know what you’re thinking. But let me ask you to explain your reasoning. I think our AI systems will also be able to do this work. Along with this, he also welcomed the investigation of AI technology.

Let society and technology develop together

He said, I have a lot of sympathy for the general nervousness and uneasiness in the world towards companies like ours. We too have our own restlessness. Let society and technology evolve together.

Sam Altman has said this on ChatGPT and AI

ChatGPT is becoming better: Sam Altman has said that ChatGPT is constantly improving and has changed and become better since its launch in November 2022. However, he has also said that the AI ​​tool is not perfect and it has some limitations.

AI taking jobs of humans: Altman has said that AI is taking over humans’ jobs and many experts have expressed this concern about AI like ChatGPT. This shift is also visible in many places.

Will AI affect humanity: AI is a machine and hence humanity cannot be expected from it. Some developers say that AI will help humans in their work, not replace them.

Future of India and AI: When Sam Altman came to India a few days ago, he also talked about AI and job displacement. He had said that some jobs will disappear with the arrival of AI. But with this new opportunities will open. He also said that India is excited about AI technology and in the coming time, OpenAI will support AI startups in India.

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