
Salary of Veer Kunwar Singh and Registrar of Patna University stopped, know why the education department issued the order?

Patna. The Education Department has issued instructions to postpone the salary of total secretaries of Patna University and Veer Kunwar Singh University till further orders. Education Department Secretary Baidyanath Yadav has sent information to this effect to all the universities on Friday. This action has been taken after both the universities did not send the attendance of the employees in the stipulated time. The Education Department has withheld the salary of the total secretaries of the universities, holding them responsible for this delay.

Salary stopped due to this

Departmental Secretary Baidyanath Yadav said that instructions were given to these two universities and constituent colleges to provide the attendance of teaching and non-teaching staff by 3 pm, while the competent authorities of both the universities did not provide reports till 6 pm on Friday. Are.

Salary withheld till further orders

The departmental secretary said that it has been decided to postpone the salary of total secretaries of both the universities till further orders due to failure in discharge of duties and not giving necessary cooperation to the education department.

Other universities also got strict message

According to official information, KK Pathak, Additional Chief Secretary, Education Department, has given instructions to send regular attendance to the universities. An official letter was issued in this context on June 9. In the context of non-compliance of this order, the Education Department has taken a strict step of postponing the salary. At present, this step of the education department has sent a strong message to other universities as well.

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