
Russia and Ukraine are fighting a war and their citizens are doing Pind Daan in Gayaji, people also arrived from America, France, Germany.

There is a war going on between Russia and Ukraine for the last one and a half years, both the countries are continuously attacking each other. On the other hand, citizens of those countries are coming to Gaya in Bihar and offering Pind Daan for the peace of their ancestors and the souls of those killed in the war. This year, more than 15 lakh pilgrims have come to Gayaji and offered Pind Daan to their ancestors in the Pitripaksha Mela. Besides, more than 45 foreigners from America, Russia, France, Ukraine and Germany also came to Gayaji and offered Pinda Daan to their ancestors in cultural tradition. Foreigners even said that there is a strange feeling of peace in the crowd gathered at the Pitru Paksha fair in Gayaji.

Vice President and Governor also performed Pinda Daan

The world famous Pitru Paksha fair organized in Gaya, Bihar ended on Saturday. During this time, people from India and abroad performed Pind Daan of their ancestors. The Vice President of the country and the Governor of Bihar are also included among the people who offered tarpan. At the end of the fair in a pleasant atmosphere, DM of the district Dr. Thiagarajan and SSP Ashish Bharti congratulated the public servants of the district administration and police department and people associated with social organizations who did continuous duty in the fair area for 17 days.

Pinda Daan performed for the peace of soldiers killed in the war

Dr. Yulia, who arrived from Ukraine at the Pitru Paksha fair, performed mass Pinda Daan for the peace of the souls of the soldiers and common people killed in the Russian-Ukrainian war. After this, Yulia said that the faith in Pind Daan and praying for the salvation of ancestors has increased rapidly among foreign women. At the same time, German devotees performed the rituals of Pind Daan, Shraddha Karma and Tarpan at the Pretshila and Ramshila altar sites located in the northern area of ​​the city, wishing for peace and salvation of the souls of their ancestors. These German devotees dressed in Indian clothes performed Pind Daan of their ancestors. During this time, taking photographs of the devotees who were offering Pind Daan here was stopped by the policemen deployed in the security arrangements.

Devotees bathing at Devghat

Feeling of peace even in the crowd

After the completion of the rituals in Gayaji, one of the foreign women, Abu Dabi, said that it felt very good to perform Pind Daan. It was a great pleasure to see the culture, religion and faith of the people towards their ancestors. Despite the huge crowd, there was a feeling of peace. Loknath Gaur, the preacher of ISKCON temple and the priest who is conducting the ritual of Pind Daan, said that research is also being done by foreigners on the Pind Daan happening here. Shambhunath, of foreign origin, is also doing research on this subject while staying here.

More than 12 thousand devotees stayed in tent city

DM has said that providing all kinds of free arrangements for the pilgrims in the tent city built at Gandhi Maidan proved to be a big achievement. All the Pinddanis who came to stay in the tent city praised the government and the district administration. Everyone enjoyed the stalls set up by Jeevika Didis in the tent city, Sudha and bhajan kirtan every day in the evening. More than 12,000 pilgrims took accommodation in the tent city.

Gayaji Rubber Dam remains center of attraction

DM said that Gayaji Rubber Dam has become a big center of attraction in the Pitru Paksha Mela area this year. Such an environment has been created as per the instructions of the government and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Earlier, Pind Daani used to dig a pit and take out water and perform tarpan. This time, the pilgrims are feeling quite satisfied by offering tarpan in the overflowing water. Seeing the abundance of water in the Falgu river, the government and the local district administration have been greatly appreciated that the work of providing water throughout the year to all the pilgrims by constructing the Gayaji Rubber Dam has been done quite commendably.

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