
Ruchak and Aditya Mangal Yoga is being formed due to the transit of Mars, these zodiac signs will now have good luck.

Mars planet

Mars has left Sagittarius and entered Capricorn. With this transit of Mars, an interesting Rajyoga has been formed in Capricorn.

Mars planet

Ruchak Rajyoga is considered one of the Panchmahapurush Yogas. Because Mars will be exalted in Capricorn.

Mars planet

With Mars coming into Capricorn, there will be a conjunction of Sun and Jupiter, due to which Aditya Mangal Yoga will also be in effect.


Many zodiac signs including Cancer and Capricorn will get the big benefit of Mars coming into Capricorn.

auspicious yoga

Which zodiac signs are going to benefit from Ruchak and Aditya Mangal Yoga formed due to Mars transit.


Due to the arrival of Mars in Capricorn, there are chances of progress for the people of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn.

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