
Risk of heart attack increased in youth, cases of brain stroke also increased, know how to protect

After Corona, the risk of heart attack has increased among the youth. It is a matter of concern that despite not having BP and sugar, youth are getting heart attacks. Heart attack with thrombotic occlusion (blood clot in an artery) is being seen. Such cases are being seen in private hospitals including RIMS. A few days ago, two youths of Ranchi aged 28 and 34 had a heart attack. Both were not patients of BP and sugar. However, he had corona.

At the same time, a 40-year-old woman from the capital also suffered a heart attack due to thrombotic occlusion. The said woman also did not have BP and sugar. Dr. Prashant Kumar of RIMS told that many arteries are affected due to heart attack in older people, but blockage is happening in only one artery in the youth. Expert doctors say that after Corona, this problem has increased not only in Jharkhand but in the whole country. It is a matter of concern that along with heart attack, cases of brain stroke have also increased. A young man had angioplasty and a stent was inserted after a heart attack, but a few days later he had a brain stroke. However, timely treatment saved his life.

Consume five types of vegetables and fruits daily:

The WHO has advised a change in lifestyle amidst the increasing cases of heart attack in youth. It has been asked to include five types of vegetables and fruits daily in the food. Due to this, sufficient amount of nutrients will be available to the body. At the same time, it has been advised not to consume fast food, soft drinks and alcohol.

The problem of blockage in the veins of hands and feet

After Corona, the problem of blockage in the nerves of hands and feet has also increased. This information is being received after examining hands and feet. This is also being linked to the problem of post covid. Thrombotic occlusion is causing more heart attacks in youth. Angioplasty has been done to three to four youths of 28 to 35 years in the hospital in three days. More such cases are coming after Corona. To avoid this, walk fast for at least 150 minutes a week and do regular yoga exercises.

Dr. Rajesh Jha, Cardiologist, Raj Hospital

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