
Research center will open in Bihar Animal Science University, research will be done on meat and egg productivity.

Patna. The availability of meat and eggs in Bihar is much less than the national average. A research center will be opened in Bihar Animal Science University to investigate the reasons behind lagging behind the national average and to improve it. The Animal and Fisheries Resources Department has approved this. Rs 24 crore 71 lakh will be spent on its establishment. In this, 24 workers will also be reinstated through outsourcing. 0.39 tonne million meat is being produced in Bihar.

Currently only 3.2 kg meat is available per person in Bihar

Currently only 3.2 kg meat is available per person in Bihar. Per capita availability of meat is half the national average. There are 1.65 crore poultry in Bihar, which is only 1.94 percent of the national average. At present, only 2.4 percent of the national production of eggs is being produced in Bihar. To reduce these differences, a research center is being established. It has been named Poultry Research and Training Centre.

The research center will work like this

Parental lines of broiler, layer and indigenous breed germplasm will be purchased. The lineages of ancestral and indigenous breeds will be bred. Poultry species will be produced. Animal farmers and entrepreneurs will be given training. One post each of Head Head, Manager, Veterinary Officer, Assistant Poultry Officer, Typist cum Clerk, Accountant, Store Clerk, Chick Sexer, Electrical Mechanic, Incubation Assistant, Gardener will be reinstated through outsourcing. Besides, personnel will be reinstated on 11 posts of poultry servants and two posts of peons.

Availability of only 25 eggs per person per year in Bihar

In Bihar, the availability of only 25 eggs per person every year is limited. Whereas 95 eggs are available per person per year across the country. According to ICMR, a person should eat 180 eggs in a year. According to this, eggs are not available in Bihar. 70 eggs are available in Bihar less than the national average. 235 crore eggs are coming to Bihar every year from other states. It was even lower before the year 2011-12, before the launch of the second and third agricultural road maps. During this period, only eight to nine eggs were available per person every year in the state. Currently 12960 crore eggs are being produced across the country.

Egg production fluctuated

At present 327.4 crore eggs are being produced every year in Bihar. This is two and a half percent of the total egg production of the country. Whereas the country ranks third in egg production in the entire world. The progress of egg production in Bihar has not been good. There have been a lot of ups and downs in this. In the year 2017-18, 121.85 crore eggs were produced. There was an increase of 44.7 percent in egg production in the year 2018-19. There was an increase of 54 percent in the year 2019-20. But in the years that followed, the increase in egg production stopped. It became nine in the year 2020-21, 1 percent in 2021-22. Egg production increased by 6.8 percent in the year 2022-23.

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