
Relationship: Love Hormone is more responsible than mind and heart for immense love, learn tips to increase it

love hormones

Relationship: Oxytocin (Oxytocin) hormone helps in making social bonds, relationships between boyfriend and girlfriend and relationships between mother and child permanent. It is also known as “love hormone”.

love hormones

When we love someone or spend time with a partner, there is an increase in the level of oxytocin in our body, which helps us to feel spiritual satisfaction.

love hormones

By doing regular yoga, the hormone level remains correct. Yoga can also help in increasing oxytocin production. Daily meditation practice improves your mood along with reducing stress and anxiety.

love hormones

Listening to music improves your mood. It also helps in improving the ability to form social bonds. Research has also shown that one of its effects is linked to oxytocin. Music can help increase the level of oxytocin in your body.

love hormones

Rich in omega 3 fatty acids and proteins, chia seeds also promote oxytocin. Along with helping in controlling cholesterol level, chia seeds are also effective in increasing the oxytocin level.

love hormones

Banana is a good food to avoid mental problems like tension and dryness. The magnesium present in it helps in releasing oxytocin.

love hormones

The simple act of brightening someone’s day can lift your spirits and boost positive feelings. Make each other feel special.

love hormones

Hugging with love, holding hands, all these things can prove to be effective. So take a few moments to hug your partner and loved ones for a long time.

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