
Relationship: Is your love true or playing with your emotions, understand with these signs

Relationship: Many women, especially young girls, often feel insecure in their romantic relationships. It’s a matter of trust that our expectations are right, but sometimes it can be easy to doubt our partner’s intentions because of our past experiences and self-talk. Some relationships can be confusing, so it’s also important to understand how to determine a partner’s true intentions.


Loves you: He keeps staring at you all the time.

A man who really loves you will not be able to take his eyes off you. If he looks at you with wonder and excitement when you do simple things like cooking dinner or getting dressed, he’s probably in love.

uses you doesn’t make you feel special

Sometimes it feels like you’re no different than any other girl or her friends being with him. He may constantly compare you to other people or show no affection towards you at all and if you feel like If you’re just one of many, he probably doesn’t care enough to appreciate you.


Loves you: He doesn’t panic even when you expect him to

He thinks about you way more than you think. Embracing all sides of another person, not just the pleasant aspects, is a sign of a mature relationship and love.

Your Uses: You constantly feel guilty

There is nothing wrong with trying to help your partner become a better person, but these changes should come through love and care, not by making you feel guilty.

Loves You: He is more aware of how his behavior can affect you

We all have our own patterns of behavior and we don’t always fully understand how they affect other people. If you notice that your partner is becoming more self-conscious and trying to behave this way, Trying not to get hurt or disappointed is a good sign, but keep in mind that if you’re concerned about something or want it to be done differently, it’s better to have a conversation.

Uses yours Disappears at the last minute

You make plans together and he leaves at the last minute or takes years to answer your messages or phone calls. Yes, he may be busy from time to time, but someone who really appreciates you does he’ll take a moment to check in with you if it seems like he doesn’t value your time, then you should probably only hang out with him when it’s convenient for him and according to his schedule.

Loves you: He pays attention to the little things that make you happy

We all love gestures, but it’s the little things that matter the most. For example, he remembers your favorite flavor of ice cream, that stupid TV-show you watch when you’re sad, or your first pet. remembers the name these things show how much he cares

Your Uses: He’s Never Ready To Compromise

Compromising can be difficult, especially if your relationship is new but that is the goal we should all be focusing on. Your partner should respect your opinion and be ready to find the right balance so that both of you are happy. If he doesn’t want to give up his right to decide everything, then maybe it’s time to run away from such a controlling relationship.

loves you: he opens up to you And expects you to do the same. We all feel insecure in our relationships, but it’s hard to make it strong without sharing your thoughts and feelings. If it’s about overcoming the fear of rejection and talking about your fears and problems, I’m open to talking to you, he trusts you and can see a future with you

Uses You: He emotionally manipulates you

He knows your strengths and weaknesses and tries to motivate you to do what he wants. This type of relationship is unacceptable whatever it may be. If you notice that you constantly feel guilty or that your partner’s emotions get the better of you, maybe it’s time to take a step back and assess what’s going on.

Loves You: He’s Ready To Talk Out Problems

When both of you are passionate, your partner should be ready to have a conversation to talk things over. Communication is the key to a strong relationship and a partner who loves you should put his ego aside and accept that he might be wrong.

uses you he provokes you to make a public scene or remains silent for days,

Things can get very emotional at times, but a person who loves you will never humiliate you in public by making a scene or resent you by keeping quiet for days. These behaviors may be a form of emotional manipulation, an inability to control your emotions, or even a form of punishment for something you’ve done wrong. A man who truly loves you will never hurt you.

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