
Relationship: If romance is decreasing in married life, then follow these tips

Happy married life tips

Marriage is such a bond which binds two people in a relationship of love. This is a lifelong bond. But to make this relationship work, it is very important to have each other’s support and love. If the efforts are one-sided then after some time distance starts appearing, then let us know what to do for a happy lifeā€¦

Happy married life tips

Famous writer and social worker Sudha Murthy has shared some tips to make a marriage work. Sudha Murthy and Narayan Murthy have been married for many years. Even today both the couples give goals.

Happy married life tips

To make a marriage successful, it is important to trust each other. Unless there is trust in the relationship, your relationship will not function properly.

Happy married life tips

It is important to have mutual understanding between partners. You should show respect towards your spouse, treat them with kindness, consideration and appreciation. At the same time, their limitations, thoughts and personality should also be respected.

Happy married life tips

To make a marriage successful, one should explain the things to one’s partner and not dominate him. His wishes should be respected.

Happy married life tips

You should give time to your partner, no matter how busy you are in life. One should take out time and go on a long drive. This makes your relationships even stronger.

Happy married life tips

You should always make your partner feel special. Small happiness should be shared together. Due to which your relationship will deepen.

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