
Ramlala will accept donations from foreigners as well, NRIs will be able to send funds for Ram temple as soon as FCRA is approved

Lucknow. If everything goes as expected, before the formal inauguration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, Ramlala will start accepting donations from foreigners as well. Before the formal inauguration of the Ram temple, overseas Indians and foreigners will get an opportunity to contribute. The Ram Mandir Construction Trust is expected to get approval from the Union Ministry to receive foreign funds through NRI accounts from November. The trust currently receives donations of more than Rs 1 crore in a month from the contributions of pilgrims and individuals who come daily. As of now, due to lack of FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) registration, the temple trust is not allowed to accept donations from outside the country.

all formalities completed

Prakash Kumar Gupta, in-charge of the trust’s camp office in Ayodhya, said, ‘All the formalities have been completed. Necessary documents have been prepared. We are expecting approval from Ministry of Home Affairs (FCRA registration number) in November. Gupta further says that we will start accepting donations from other countries. He said that Indians settled abroad daily inquire about the donation process that needs to be followed for foreign money transfer. FCRA After approval, the trust will update the details on the website.

Foreign donations will come to Ram Mandir’s Delhi account

Notified in February 2020, Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra applied for FCRA registration in May after it was able to submit audited statements of its bank accounts for three years, along with other documents. Sources said that normally it takes six months to process registration applications. That’s why the trust is expecting approval by 30 November. FCRA account of NRI or Trust to be opened at SBI New Delhi Main Branch, Sansad Marg, Delhi. So far there are 694 FCRA registered organizations in Uttar Pradesh. 8 are currently active in Ayodhya-Faizabad and receive foreign funds.

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