
Rajasthan: Ruckus over installation of Baba Saheb’s statue in Bharatpur, two castes clashed, stones pelted at police


In Rajasthan’s Bharatpur, two castes clashed with each other over the installation of Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar’s statue. After a fierce brawl between the two castes, when the police reached the spot to control the situation, the miscreants pelted stones at the police as well. Both the castes not only indulged in arson and jammed the road in mutual conflict, but also pelted stones at the police three times. Many policemen got trapped in the midst of this nuisance. The police tried to control the situation by calling for additional force. He had to use tear gas shells to disperse the miscreants

Jat society expressed objection

Tell you that assembly elections are to be held in Rajasthan this year. Meanwhile, Congress MLA from Nadbai Jogendra Singh Awana had recently announced that he would install a statue of Babasaheb Ambedkar at a crossroads here. After his announcement, the Jat community opposed it. The Jat community demanded the installation of a statue of Bharatpur founder Maharaja Surajmal here.

Demand to install statue of Maharaja Surajmal

It is notable that Tourism Minister Vishvendra Singh and Nadbai MLA Joginder Awana held a press conference on Wednesday evening. During this, Minister Vishvendra said that statues of all the three great men are being installed. Instead of doing party politics in this, work should be done by rising above it. Minister Vishvendra Singh told that on April 14, the statue of Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar will be unveiled at the Bailara bypass intersection. Before that, Bhoomi Poojan will be done at Dehra turn for strips of idols of Lord Parshuram and Maharaja Surajmal. Additional Divisional Commissioner Akhilesh Kumar Pippal on Wednesday also issued an order to install a statue of Maharaja Surajmal on public land near Dehra Mod police post. Along with Dehra Mod, a statue of Maharaja Surajmal will also be installed at Kumher Road bypass intersection.

The miscreants fiercely created ruckus

After the press conference of Tourism Minister Vishvendra Singh and MLA Joginder Awana, some people expressed dissatisfaction in Ballara area. After this, people poured petrol on the road at Bailara intersection and set it on fire. Some policemen were present on the spot, on the information of the incident of arson, additional police force was sent to the spot. Police extinguished the fire from the road and opened the way.

During this people got enraged and pelted stones at the police. Seeing people pelting stones, the police released tear gas shells to disperse the crowd. This heated up the atmosphere on the spot. On information, top police officers also reached the spot. Significantly, for the past several days, the residents of the area were protesting for the installation of the statue of Maharaja Surajmal. The residents of the area demanded that the statue of Maharaja Surajmal should be installed at the Dehra Mod intersection.


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