
‘Rahul Gandhi’s ‘mentor’ Sam Pitroda is spewing venom against Hindus’, know what Amit Malviya tweeted

Controversy has arisen after a statement by Rahul Gandhi’s ‘mentor’ Sam Pitroda. He has said such a thing during a program in the United States (US) to which the BJP has reacted. Let us know what Pitroda has said. According to the news of firstpost, he has made derogatory remarks against Lord Ram, the Ram temple being built in Ayodhya and other Hindu deities. Sam Pitroda said during his speech that we are facing the problems of unemployment, inflation, education, health but no one wants to talk about these issues. Everyone is seen talking about Ram, Hanuman, the temple.

Sam Pitroda further said that I have said many times that temples cannot provide employment to people. Let us discuss here that the controversial statement of Sam Pitroda has come after the remarks made by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during his US tour. After Pitroda’s statement, Amit Malviya has reacted to it. He has taken a dig at Sam Pitroda on the social media platform Twitter. In his tweet, Amit Malviya claimed that India’s economy is much better than many big economies around the world.

Sam Pitroda is as clever as he is unknown

Amit Malviya wrote on his Twitter wall that Rajiv Gandhi’s aide Sam Pitroda is as clever as he is ignorant… There is no need to advise India. Retail inflation in India has come down to 4.7% in April 2023, which is the lowest in 18 months. Wholesale inflation is also better in that respect. The BJP leader further wrote in his tweet that India’s inflation is much less than that of America. He should see the education, health and employment arrangements of the country where Pitroda lives. India is in a better position than there.

Sam is working to spew venom on Hindus

Amit Malviya has accused Sam Pitroda of insulting Hinduism and having links with fundamentalist organizations with anti-India agenda. He further wrote in his tweet that Sam is spewing venom on Hindus. They have been seen defaming the temples. Now it is not hidden from anyone that some of the ‘coordinators’ associated with the NY program are close to those organizations which work for Jamaat-e-Islami and Muslim Brotherhood.

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