
Rahu-Ketu Transit 2023: Rahu is changing the zodiac signs, the fortunes of Aries, Leo and Libra will change.

  • Rahu will remain in Pisces for next 18 months

  • Rahu is currently sitting in Aries, the ruler of Mars, his vision is on Leo, Libra and Sagittarius, which is causing trouble to these zodiac signs.

Rahu-Ketu Transit: According to astrology, Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets, their zodiac changes affect life in many ways. Many zodiac signs were still troubled by their influence. Rahu will now remain in Pisces for the next 18 months. The change of planets is very important from both scientific and religious point of view. Due to this change, a lot of changes will be seen in the life of the person. It has a prominent place in Navagraha and is a shadow planet.

They always move in retrograde motion. They are not owned by any zodiac sign. Their vehicle is Leo. Their color is dull. Geologically it is a part of the body that broke away from the Sun. This is a first class sinful planet. It also brings sudden hidden wealth. Due to Rahu one has to face many types of problems in life, that is why it is considered as a sinful planet. Transit of Rahu is transit of all the planets. It is separated from it and transits in the opposite direction.

This is the reason why they are known as elusive planets. Generally, when a planet moves from one zodiac sign to another i.e. changes its zodiac sign, it is called transit in the language of astrology. Rahu and Ketu are such planets. Which does not own any zodiac sign. Hence it is known as shadow planet. Rahu is currently sitting in Aries, the lord of Mars, its sight is on Leo, Libra and Sagittarius, which is causing trouble to this zodiac sign. Their problems will go away from 30th October. Amazing changes will be seen in the lives of all these zodiac signs.

When is Rahu transiting?

On October 30, 2023, at 02:13 pm, the lordship of Jupiter of Dev Guru will move from Aries to Pisces.

Which zodiac signs will Rahu affect?

After the transit of Rahu, the lordship of Jupiter of Dev Guru will transit in Pisces, it is not going to be good for Aries, Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio zodiac signs, they need to be alert. People who are working in political field. This transit will be beneficial for them.

What are the inauspicious signs of Rahu:

When Rahu is bad, a person becomes prone to suicide, promiscuity starts appearing in married life, there is lack of happiness in married life and there is discomfort in private parts. Children may suffer, but if there is an affair with a woman, they may get entangled in gambling or court work. One gets wrong addiction due to which Rahu becomes more powerful. Pets die, there are unnecessary fights in the family, snakes are seen around the house, know what will be the effect on the twelve zodiac signs of the horoscope after the change in Rahu’s zodiac sign.


People of this zodiac sign will transit in the 12th house, which will increase the expenses, do not rush in daily work, there will be unnecessary problems, there will be reduction in material happiness, interest in religious work will increase. Those who are preparing to travel abroad will get success.


Rahu will transit in the eleventh house for the people of this zodiac sign, due to which all the pending work will be completed, the sources of income will be fine, there will be increase in wealth. This is a golden opportunity for the people who are associated with politics. There will be family happiness, students will have to work hard. Will have to do.


For people of this zodiac sign, Rahu will transit in the tenth house and all the work will be solved easily. Interest in the political field will increase, but wealth will not be accumulated, mutual differences will increase in the family, there will be a decrease in material happiness. Enemies will be defeated.


For people of this zodiac sign, Rahu will transit in the ninth house, which will hinder your luck, you will travel abroad, at this time you will remain confused, there will be lack of happiness between brothers and sisters. It will not be good for the students, there will be hindrance in studies. Father’s health will not be good.


Rahu will transit in the eighth house for people of this zodiac sign, which will cause problems in the work field. People who are doing business need to be alert. Do not invest capital at this time, it will lead to loss. Avoid attacking others secretly. Expenses of money will increase. Be conscious about your health and drive carefully. There will be a decrease in mother’s happiness.


People of this zodiac sign will be transiting in the seventh house due to Rahu transiting in the seventh house due to which marital life will be lacking. There will be problems in private part, there will be obstruction in income. There will be physical pain. There will be reduction in happiness with brothers and sisters. Interest in religious activities will reduce.


People of this zodiac sign will transit in the sixth house, which will increase your courage, the enemy will be destroyed. There will be a new beginning in your life. Business will run well but expenses will increase. Health will not be good.


For people of this zodiac sign, Rahu will transit in the fifth house, your conscience will be fine, there will be intellectual development. Decision making ability will increase, there is a need to be alert for pregnant women, your love relationship will increase at this time. It will be a difficult time for the students, there is a need to work hard.


For people of this zodiac sign, Rahu will transit in the fourth house due to which your workload will increase. There will be discord in the family. Mother will suffer. There will be a decrease in material happiness. It is going to be better for those who are working. But expenses will increase.


For people of this zodiac sign, Rahu will transit in the third house, which will improve your workplace. Your fame and bravery will increase. You will get happiness from brothers and sisters. Your honor and respect will increase. It is going to be very successful for people working in political field, luck will rise, business will go well, income will be good.


Rahu will transit in the second house for the people of this zodiac sign, which will improve your health, you will get to eat tasty food, your financial condition will be fine, there will be problems in family life. Opponents will be defeated. Business will go well and your financial condition will be fine.


For people of this zodiac sign, Rahu will transit in the first house, which will increase your stress, you will get success in work, all pending tasks will be completed. Your decision making ability will be strengthened, self-confidence will increase, speech will improve.

Astrologer Sanjit Kumar Mishra

Astrology Vastu and Gemstone Expert


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