
Pyre of five family members burnt together in Deoria, people got scared after seeing the horrific scene

Five members of the same family along with a former District Panchayat member were murdered in a bloody conflict between two parties on Monday over a land dispute in Rudrapur area of ​​Deoria. Late in the night, the district and police administration performed the last rites of five people, including deceased Satya Prakash Dubey, at Patnawa Ghat in Rampur factory area amid tight security. Devesh Dubey, elder son of deceased Satya Prakash Dubey, lit the funeral pyre of his father, mother, brother and sister.

At the same time, former District Panchayat member Premchand Yadav was burnt by his minor son. During this period, a large number of police forces were deployed from the postmortem house to the crematorium. To avoid any kind of conflict, the district administration got the bodies of both the parties cremated in separate crematoriums.

late night funeral

After the postmortem, the body of former head and former district Panchayat member Premchand Yadav was the first to come out. For this, the district administration had made arrangements for the funeral at the funeral site located in Kurna Nala. Here Premchand Yadav was burnt by his 13 year old son Tej Pratap. For the cremation of the family members of Satya Prakash Dubey, the administration took him to the cremation site located at Patnawa bridge in Rampur Karkhana police station area. Where his elder son Devesh Dubey Garg cremated all the five dead bodies. During this time, Devesh kept crying continuously and the administration and police kept consoling him.

The murderers of the family members should be hanged – Devesh Dubey

Devesh Dubey, the eldest son of Satyaprakash Dubey, tearfully demanded that the accused who wiped out his family should be given death sentence. Just as my family was wiped out, they too should be wiped out. Today was the birthday of my brother, whose name is Gandhi, I went to Ballia to perform the puja. During this time, fear could be clearly read on his face. He has also demanded security for himself and his younger brother.

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