
PUC certificate will not be received without paying the outstanding challan! Know why the decision was taken

Kerala Government has implemented a new rule, under which from December 1, 2023, those vehicles Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate Will not be issued, whose owners have not paid the pending challan. This decision was taken in a meeting chaired by Transport Minister Antony Raju on Monday. It was concluded in the meeting that the rate of deaths due to road accidents has declined in the five months after the installation of AI cameras. Implementation of this new rule will help in reducing road accidents. Because, drivers with outstanding challans often violate the rules, which increases the chances of accidents. Under the new rule, vehicle owners will have to take time before December 1 to pay their outstanding challans. If they do not do so, they will have difficulty obtaining a PUC certificate.

Reduction in the number of deaths in road accidents

It was concluded in the meeting that the number of deaths in road accidents has decreased in the five months since the installation of AI cameras. It also found that between June 2023 and October 31, 2023, 1,263 people died in vehicle accidents in the state, down from 1,669 during the same period in 2022.

In September, there were 273 deaths in road accidents

In September, there were 273 deaths in road accidents, which is less than 365 in the same month last year. There were 340 deaths in road accidents in October 2022, but this October recorded a significantly lower figure, with only 85 deaths. According to reports, the death rate may change given the ongoing treatment of several persons in critical condition in the hospital.

Cameras detected a total of 7,432,371 traffic violations

The state’s cameras detected a total of 7,432,371 traffic violations between June and October. Of these, officials reviewed 5,829,926 cases, uploaded 2,306,023 cases to the Integrated Transport Monitoring System and imposed fines for 2,103,801 violations. So far, the government has collected a fine of around Rs 21.5 crore.

Highest violation of traffic rules in October

The most common violation seen in October was riding a two-wheeler without a helmet, which stood at 21,865. Additionally, the cameras detected violations for non-wearing of helmets by pillion passengers in 16,581 cases, non-wearing of seat belts by front passengers in 23,296 cases, non-wearing of seat belts by car drivers in 25,633 cases and 662 violations for use of mobile phones. Were recorded.

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