
Prepare your fitness certificate for the new year like this, if you are 35 plus then definitely get this test done.

health tips

The body is a house in which we spend our lives. It is very important to maintain it properly. After the age of 35, if proper care is not taken, the immune system starts becoming weak. Weak immune system means the risk of falling prey to many diseases.

Don’t do this carelessly

Be it men or women, they become careless about their health. After the age of 35-40, one should notice even the minor changes in the body and pay attention to one’s body accordingly. For people in their 30s, 40s and 50s, we have some tips that will help you focus on yourself. According to doctors, there are some tests which should be done by men and women at a limited interval so that they can get information inside the body.

There are some important tests for men and women which need to be done. People who have a family history of any serious disease should definitely get tested. Those who have a family history of arthritis, heart attack, cancer or chronic disease should definitely do this. There are some diseases which, if detected early, can start their treatment quickly.

Men should get this test done

It is necessary for men to undergo some tests after the age of 30. There are some diseases which affect more and more people.


Diabetes is not a disease. This is the result of people’s poor eating habits and lifestyle. Today, 1 in 4 people are its victims. To get rid of this disease, there is a need to improve lifestyle. According to experts, exercising for 30 minutes every day reduces the risk of diabetes by 10 percent.


LDL cholesterol i.e. bad cholesterol is the biggest cause of heart attack. Bad cholesterol is 50 percent cause of heart disease. Men should get their cholesterol checked every 3 years.

Women should get this test done

Often women are more careless about their health. There is a lot of hormonal change in women after marriage. As family responsibilities increase, women stop paying attention to themselves, due to which the risk of contracting diseases increases. After 40, women should get these tests done regularly.

Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening

Women should keep getting themselves screened for breast cancer regularly. Apart from this, necessary tests to check cervical cancer should also be done once a year.


Everyone should get thyroid and sugar tests done regularly every 3 months.

lipid profile

It contains all kinds of tests, which reveal the normal activity of the blood and the rest of the body.

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