
Prabhat Khas: Curb on fraud in paddy purchase, farmers will now be able to sell paddy only by putting their thumb impression.

To ensure that there is no fraud in paddy procurement in the state, the state government has made changes in the system of purchasing paddy from farmers. This year, farmers registered for paddy procurement will be able to sell paddy only after putting their thumb in the e-POS machine. For this, e-POS machines will be available in all paddy purchasing lamps. Paddy purchasing has been linked to the Aadhar based system. However, till now the system of paddy procurement in the state including East Singhbhum was manual. There was a fear of fraud in this, but with the purchase of paddy through Aadhaar based system, such fears will be put to an end permanently.

First fund of Rs 52 thousand arrived in the district

After purchasing paddy from the farmers in the district, the first fund of Rs 52 thousand has arrived in the district to pay for the paddy. Although a demand has been made to allocate a large amount of money for paddy from the district, technical reasons are being cited as the reason behind non-payment of 95 quintals of paddy to seven farmers till Tuesday evening.

Now new demand for e-pos machine from the district

Paddy purchase through e-POS machine is to be done in paddy purchasing center cum lamp-packs. E-POS machines are required for 39 centers identified in the district (one for each center). There is a possibility of delay in paddy procurement due to unavailability of e-POS machine in the district.

Rs 2300 per quintal millage, also Rs 117 bonus

The state government has decided to pay Rs 2300 per quintal to farmers for selling paddy in the district, which also includes a bonus amount of Rs 117. On selling paddy to farmers, 50 percent of the fixed rate of paddy will be immediately paid into the bank account of the concerned farmer. When the remaining rice is received from the miller, the remaining 50 percent amount will be paid to the farmers in their bank account.

39 paddy purchasing centers marked

A total of 39 paddy purchasing centers (LAMPS-PACKS) have been identified for purchasing paddy from farmers in East Singhbhum district. All these 39 are located differently in 11 blocks of Lampas-Pax district. By opening paddy purchasing centers in all the blocks, farmers do not have to go far to sell paddy. E-POS machines were not available for 39 centres, hence paddy purchasing has been started by installing e-POS in four centres, 95 quintals of paddy has been purchased.

22 miller marked tags made from lampus-packs

Those purchasing paddy from farmers in the district have to send the paddy to the millers after purchasing the paddy along with lamps-packs. For this, 22 millers have been identified in the district. Although 23 millers were marked in the district, 22 millers could be finally tagged due to repair work going on at one miller.

main point

  • The earlier system of purchasing paddy has been closed, in the new system purchasing will be done through e-POS in lump sum packs.

  • In the past, steps were taken after the case of farmers selling paddy in excess of paddy yield in the district.

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