
Poonch Terror Attack: Who gave shelter to the terrorists? Where did so much explosive come from, DGP gave information


Poonch Terror Attack: The Jammu and Kashmir Police has claimed that the terror plot of last week’s attack in Poonch has been busted and six locals have been arrested for harboring terrorists. These terrorists had attacked using explosives and weapons that came through drones from Pakistan. Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh said the April 20 attack was a well-planned attack carried out by three to five terrorists. Singh said that the terrorists first inspected the area, understood the area and then chose the place of attack.

Inquiries into the attack are ongoing. The DGP said that till now more than 200 people have been interrogated and the operation is on to eliminate the terrorists involved in the Poonch attack. Six people of a module have been arrested, Singh told reporters here during his visit to Rajouri district. These also include those persons who provided shelter to terrorists with arms, ammunition, explosives as well as guided them to move from one place to another. We are getting clues during interrogation, he said. We are working on it.

The attack is not possible without the support of the local people: Singh, who visited Darhal and the remote Budh Khanari region in the foothills of the snow-capped Pir Panjal mountains, also said such incidents are not possible without local support. He said, an entire module has been revealed in this. They were helping him for the last two to three months. A local man named Nisar and his family were providing all assistance from food to shelter. The explosives came from Pakistan via drone. They picked up weapons and provided them to the terrorists. This included arms, grenades and ammunition. He said security forces were looking for help at a more local level.

Local people are giving support: The DGP said that they will work firmly on this. Terrorists choose places close to forests, where they get support from the local people and there is also an escape route in the forests. Giving more details about the module, Singh said that Nisar has been a terrorist for a long time. He said, “He was working as a helper to a Pakistan-origin commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba in the 1990s. He was on our radar. We had detained him for questioning two to three times in the past. He was on our list of suspects and this time also he was taken into custody.

ambushed: The DGP said, when questioned, we found that he was fully involved with other family members. On working out, he said the terrorists first reconnoitered the area, understood the terrain and considered factors such as sharp turns at the site of the attack and the slow down of the vehicle due to the sloping terrain. They came close and ambushed the vehicle, he said. They then fired at the vehicle, which got damaged. The soldiers were injured. They planted an IED, set it on fire and detonated it.

Terrorists do reconnaissance for several months: The DGP told that terrorists come from Pakistan. They stay here for many months. They do reconnaissance and do such activities. We have killed many of them earlier also. Two to four such terrorists remain active during a time. According to Singh, 10 to 12 such elements are active in the area. On the use of Chinese steel core bullet, he said that it was also used in the Dhangri case. He said, terrorists come better prepared for such attacks.


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