
‘Pollution’ started selling again in the markets of Ranchi, this danger reached every house

Ranchi, Aditya Kumar : When you buy any goods from the market and bring them home, then you need to be careful, because you are bringing a deadly and dangerous thing with you. This item can prove fatal for you as well as your family members. Now you must be thinking that what is such a thing which is so dangerous, then would like to tell you that when you buy goods from the market, then what you get with that goods polythene bags It is so dangerous that it can cause huge destruction.

Nowadays, the use of banned polythene has started again in the markets of Ranchi. Whether you go to buy vegetables or clothes, in some form or the other you are being given polythene bags along with the goods. Most of the people are throwing away these polythene bags by using them as a means of carrying goods. But, due to this, the common people are also suffering, that too in the form of pollution. Since, they do not decompose easily, hence either they are poisoning the breath of people in the form of air pollution or in the form of soil pollution and water pollution.

Banned polythene bags used again in Ranchi

Polythene bags have been banned across the country for the past few years. The effect of which was seen in all the districts of Jharkhand including Ranchi. Started using its substitute made of leaves, cloth and paper. But in the last one year, the use of banned polythene bags is again in vogue in Ranchi. Be it a meat-fish shop or a vegetable-fruit shop, a packet of milk coming to your home or straws for cold drinks, polythene has started taking its place again. Now the question is, where are these bags finally being made and how are they being imported into the shops of Ranchi. After all, who is running the factory of death or sending goods in Ranchi.

environmental damage

Please tell that the state of Jharkhand is a forested area. The nature here is such that people get fascinated by seeing it and the desire to live here becomes the stubbornness of many people. There are many such natural things including trees, plants, rivers, dams, ponds, waterfalls which connect Jharkhand with its name. But, even in this state which is in the lap of nature, the environment is slowly being exploited. People are using many such things for their convenience, which is causing a lot of damage to the environment. There is one such item which is found in every household these days, polythene.

The situation is becoming such that in many districts including the capital Ranchi, the weather change is also seen to be opposite. People are troubled by such unexpected changes in the weather, but due to this, they are not refraining from using polythene bags at all. While walking on the road, you will find polythene bags and other things in the drains on the road or while passing through the streets. Due to this, the work of spreading dirt, pollution both directly and indirectly is being done with polythene bags.

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