
Police discovered mafia Atiq Ahmed’s benami property worth crores in Lucknow, Asad lived in this flat

The Commissionerate Police, which is engaged in destroying the economic empire of Mafia Atiq Ahmed, has discovered his benami property worth crores in Lucknow. The mafia had purchased this property in the name of a contractor in a very posh area of ​​the capital. After the discovery of the property, the contractor’s family has come on the radar. In the gangster case registered in Dhumanganj police station, the police is busy searching for Atiq’s property acquired from crime. In the same sequence, it was revealed that the mafia had purchased a flat in Mahanagar Colony, Lucknow in the name of a close contractor. On gathering information, it came to light that this flat was purchased in the name of a contractor of the Irrigation Department, resident of GTB Nagar, Kareli. This flat was registered in 2012. The police also came to know that the contractor was close to Atiq. He died a few years ago. The price of this flat, which was purchased for just Rs 30 lakh, is currently in crores. At the time this flat was purchased, it was also revealed in the deed that the price paid was less than the government ownership amount.

Mafia had taken the keys of the flat – contractor’s wife

When the police reached the contractor’s wife for investigation, she told that the flat had been purchased by her husband. Atiq had forcibly taken its keys. While taking the flat he had said that someone he knew had to stay for a few days. After this he did not return the keys. Then his people continued to occupy the flat. How much truth is there in the woman’s words will be known only after investigation. At present the police is investigating this matter on a war footing.

The conspiracy of Umesh Pal murder was hatched in this flat.

Police investigation has also revealed that Atiq’s son Asad lived with his friend Atin Zafar in this flat marked as benami property. Both of them used to stay here and run the business of Atiq, who was lodged in Lucknow jail. Also, the elder sons of the mafia were similar to Umar and Atin’s father. Besides, Ashraf’s brother-in-law Saddam also used to visit here. After the Umesh Pal murder case, the video of Saddam stripping a young man and beating him was also from this flat. It is believed that the conspiracy of Umesh Pal murder case is also connected to this flat. While living in this flat, Asad used to regularly visit his brother Umar, lodged in Lucknow jail, besides Ashraf, lodged in Bareilly jail, and Ali, lodged in Naini jail. After Umesh’s murder, he had called his friend Atin and asked him to hide his ATM card and phone in this flat.

There was panic due to the first order of Police Commissioner Court.

Let us tell you that the Commissionerate Police had attached benami property worth Rs 12.42 crore of Atiq Ahmed located in Gauspur Kathula. This was the first action taken by Police Commissioner Ramit Sharma under the Gangster Act, in which the mafia gang was seriously hurt. This property was purchased at throwaway prices in the name of a mason Hublal resident of Lalapur. The action of the Commissionerate Police has given courage not only to the people persecuted by the mafia but also to those people in whose name benami property was forcibly created. After Hubalal, some other people have also contacted the police, investigation of which is ongoing. In fact, even after the death of the mafia, people were not able to muster the courage to come forward due to the fear of his henchmen. However, seeing the recent police action against Atiq’s henchmen, such people have now gained courage and are contacting the police.

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