
PM Modi said in Khunti – Earlier the government considered itself the mother and father of the people, we started the work with the spirit of service.

Ranchi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that today the country is touching the pinnacle of success everywhere. In five years, 13 crore people have come out of the poverty line. Such a big change has happened. Shri Modi said: Since 2014, when you gave me the Delhi throne, my service period has started from that day. We have come to serve. Earlier the government considered itself the mother and father of the people. We started our work with the spirit of a servant and gave priority to the underprivileged. The resolve of a developed India is Modi’s guarantee to the poor, mothers, sisters, youth and farmers of the country. When Modi has a guarantee, you know it. What is a guarantee? Modi’s guarantee means guarantee of fulfillment of the guarantee. Prime Minister Shri Modi was addressing a public meeting in Khunti on Wednesday, the auspicious day of ‘Tribal Pride Day’ on the birth anniversary of Lord Birsa Munda. Before the Khunti meeting, Prime Minister Modi went to Ulihatu, the birthplace of Lord Birsa Munda. Bowed to the soil of Lord Birsa and met his descendants.

From the Khunti meeting, the Prime Minister launched and inaugurated schemes worth Rs 49 thousand crore for the country including Jharkhand. The Prime Minister launched two nationwide schemes from the land of Lord Birsa Munda. ‘PM Janman Tribe Nyay Maha Abhiyan’ and ‘Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ worth Rs. 24 thousand crore for primitive tribes were started. Along with this, the crowd present in the meeting itself including Modi took the pledge of a developed India. The Prime Minister also targeted his opponents in his 42:18 minute speech. PM Modi said: For decades, songs of social justice and secularism have been sung morning and evening, rhetoric continues. When every possibility of discrimination against any citizen in the country is eliminated, then that is secularism. Social justice is assured only when everyone gets the benefits of government schemes equally.

Unfortunately, today there are many states where people do not have adequate information about the schemes. The Prime Minister said:

Earlier, cream rich people used to eat. Only those who had recognition in the government used to arrange facilities. The government listened to him only. People who were backward in the society, were deprived of facilities, lived amidst inconvenience. Modi gave priority to such people of the society. Shri Modi said: I have once eaten the bread of such a family, I have eaten the salt of the last person of the society, today I have come to the land of Birsa Munda to repay the same debt.

Name the four nectar pillars:

Prime Minister Shri Modi gave the mantras of four Amrit Stambhs for building a developed, grand, divine India in the next 25 years of Amrit Kaal.

He said that all efforts have to be made for this Amrit Stambh. He said, our first pillar of nectar is our women, mothers and sisters. The second pillar of nectar is our farmers and cattle herders. The third pillar of nectar is farmers and youth. Youth are the power who will take the country to new heights. Our Chaith Amrit Stambh is the middle class, poor brothers and sisters. The stronger we strengthen these four pillars, the stronger will be the building of developed India.

Same bureaucracy, same files, changed thinking, results came:

Comparing the situation before 2014, the Prime Minister said that the government became the support for those who were neglected for decades. Bureaucracy is the same, files are the same, laws are the same, people are the same, but we changed our thinking, when we changed our thinking, results came. Before 2014, the coverage of sanitation was less than 40 percent. Today it is around 70 percent. Before our government, LPG connection was in 50 to 55 percent houses, today women in 100 percent houses are smoke free. Earlier 55 percent children used to get life saving vaccine, today 100 percent children have got the vaccine. Earlier, 17 percent rural families had access to tap water, today it has reached 70 percent homes. The earlier government used to work towards achieving easy targets.

Decades after independence, 18 thousand houses were in darkness. We set a target of providing electricity to these villages in one thousand days and achieved it. Instead of drawing lines on butter, lines should be drawn on stone. The Prime Minister said that 110 districts of the country were backward on every parameter of development. The previous government had given the label of being backward, people of my tribal family lived in these districts. There were punishment postings of officers in these districts. A tired officer was sent. Used to post it. We declared these districts as aspirational districts. Send the most promising officers. Achieved many successes in education and health. Many districts of Jharkhand including Khunti district were in this list.

The Prime Minister said that the government will now extend this scheme to the aspirational blocks. The Prime Minister said:

Sankalp Yatra will be run from 15th November to 26th January next year. The government will go to every village on mission mode. Will take the schemes to the people. The Prime Minister said that ‘Gram Swaraj Abhiyan’ was also launched in the year 2018. One thousand officers were deployed to deliver seven major schemes to the villages. The Prime Minister said that I am seeing the day when every poor has a ration card, every poor has an electricity connection in his house, every poor has a Ujjwala gas connection, every poor has an Ayushman card for free treatment worth Rs 5 lakh, the poor Have a permanent house, I am looking forward to the day when every farmer has a pension, every laborer has a pension.

These people were present on the stage:

Governor CP Radhakrishnan, Chief Minister Hemant Soren, Union Ministers Arjun Munda, Annapurna Devi, first Chief Minister of the state Babulal Marandi, Padma Vibhushan Kadiya Munda, MLAs Neelkanth Singh Munda and Koche Munda.

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