
‘PM Modi had taken the decision of surgical strike on Pakistan in 10 minutes’, know what Rajnath Singh said

Assembly elections are going to be held in Chhattisgarh this year. Before this, the round of rallies is going on in the state. In this sequence, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh addressed a public meeting organized at Narhardev High School ground in Kanker district headquarters to highlight the achievements of the nine years of the Modi government and warned India’s neighboring country that if anyone harmed the country. If you try to reach, a befitting reply will be given.

Addressing the gathering, the Defense Minister referred to India’s response after the terrorist attacks in Uri (2016) and Pulwama (2019) and said that India has emerged as a powerful country under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Our country is no longer weak. Some terrorists from Pakistan infiltrated into India and did a dastardly act of attacking our jawans. Many soldiers were martyred in this attack. He said that I was the Home Minister then. Our Prime Minister held a meeting in Delhi and took a decision within 10 minutes. Our army personnel carried out surgical strike on Pakistani soil and successfully killed the terrorists.

Defense Minister mentioned the Naxalite problem

Addressing the gathering, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh claimed that if the Congress government of Chhattisgarh had fully cooperated, the Naxalite problem would have ended in the country. Chhattisgarh has been grappling with the menace of Left Wing Extremism for a long time. In the last nine years, due to effective action under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the influence of Left Wing Extremism seems to be reducing. The Defense Minister also accused the Congress government of the state that forcible conversions are increasing in Chhattisgarh, especially in the Bastar region. The Congress government should put a stop to this.

Warning to neighboring countries of India

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh further said that I want to tell the neighboring countries of India that do not try to tamper with India. Don’t even try to show India your eyes. We will not kill only from this side, if needed we have the power to come and kill from that side also. Now India has changed.

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