
PM Justin Trudeau left for Canada, could not return for two days due to technical fault in the plane

G-20 Summit: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who came to India for the G20 summit, has returned to Canada with his delegation today i.e. on Tuesday (September 12). Justin Trudeau attended the G-20 summit held in New Delhi from 9 to 10 September. Let us tell you, Trudeau was to leave for Canada on Sunday itself, but at the last moment, there was a technical fault in his plane. Due to which he had to postpone his journey. After this Trudeau had to stay in Delhi for two days. Today i.e. on Tuesday his return to Canada became possible. Let us tell you, it was informed by the Canadian Prime Minister’s Office that a backup aircraft CFC002 is coming to take Justin Trudeau and his delegation back from India. But after the technical fault was fixed, he returned in his own plane.

Before leaving for Canada, Union Minister Rajiv Chandrashekhar had reached the airport to see him off. After bidding farewell, he also made a tweet. He wrote in the tweet that on behalf of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and my colleagues in the government, I was at the airport today to thank Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his presence at the G20 Summit and wish him and his entourage a safe journey. Best wishes for.

Had to leave for Canada on Sunday itself
Justin Trudeau, who reached Delhi last Friday to participate in the G20 summit, was scheduled to leave for home on Sunday after the summit. But due to a technical fault in his plane, he was not allowed to travel. Meanwhile, it was being said that another plane was being arranged for Trudeau, which was likely to arrive around 10 pm on Monday night, however, the plane did not arrive. Meanwhile, the Canadian Prime Minister’s Office had said that the Canadian Armed Forces is doing its best to bring the delegation home.

Trudeau held bilateral talks with PM Modi
Earlier, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, who came to India to participate in the G20 summit, had held bilateral talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20. The ongoing anti-India activities of extremist elements in Canada were discussed between the two leaders. India has also conveyed its strong concerns to Canada in this matter. India said that they are promoting separatism and inciting violence against Indian diplomats. Apart from this, they are vandalizing diplomatic premises and threatening the Indian community and their places of worship in Canada. In this context, the Ministry of External Affairs said that the nexus of such forces with organized crime, drug gangs and human trafficking is bad for Canada. Should also be a matter of concern.

Trudeau gave this assurance
At the same time, regarding India’s strong concern, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said that we are always ready to stop violence and oppose hatred. “I think it’s important to remember that the actions of a few people do not represent the entire community or Canada,” he said. Trudeau said that India is an important partner of Canada in many areas. India is an exceptionally important economy in the world and is an important partner of Canada in everything from tackling climate change to growth and prosperity for its citizens, he said.

Courtesy: Language Input

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