
Pitta Dosha Diet: What to eat in pitta disease? Know here

Pitta Dosha Diet: People suffering from Pitta Dosha continue to have problems with constipation and acidity. People who are victims of Pitta Dosha, their digestive system becomes weak and it takes time to digest food. That is why it is said that every person should pay special attention to his eating habits. So that the balance of bile is maintained. In common parlance, a person whose bile increases starts having red spots on his body. Apart from this, the person starts getting angry quickly on every issue, digestion system starts weakening, severe burning sensation, heat and sweating start appearing in the body. The color of stool, urine and eyes starts turning yellow. Let us know what should be eaten in bile disease?

eat sweet fruits
In case of bile disease, sweet and slightly astringent fruits should be eaten. So that the bile can be calmed. Pitta patients should eat sweet apple, fig, orange, pear, pomegranate, coconut, and melon.

eat bitter vegetables
Bitter vegetables should be consumed in case of bile disease. In this, eat only cabbage, green chilli, sweet potato, black pepper, lady’s finger and sprouts.

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eat neem leaves
To correct pitta dosha, eat as much neem leaves as possible. Because neem leaves have properties that cool the bile and keep the blood clean.

drink aloe vera juice
If a person is suffering from bile disease then he should drink aloe vera juice daily on an empty stomach. Due to this, bile remains in balance.

eat more ghee than necessary
If you are troubled by the increase in bile, then in this situation consume more ghee than required. Because due to Pitta Dosha, digestion of food remains incomplete and inadequate secretion is produced in the stomach. Due to which appetite decreases. If you eat ghee the digestive fire will be stimulated and appetite will improve.

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consume buttermilk
Consume buttermilk to pacify pitta dosha. When making buttermilk, add roasted cumin, black salt, coriander powder and mint paste to it. By drinking this your bile will remain in balance.

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