
Pitru Paksha 2023: Crows not seen in this village since Treta Yuga, know the secret behind it

  • Ancestors are present around in the form of crows, hence crows are fed food on 15 days of Pitru Paksha.

  • Crows are also considered a symbol of Yama

Pitru Paksha 2023 During Pitru Paksha, people offer Shraddha, Tarpan and Pind Daan for the peace of the souls of their ancestors and forefathers. It is believed that during this time the ancestors are present around in the form of crows, hence crows are fed food on the 15th day of Pitru Paksha. In religious texts, special importance has been given to feeding crows during Pitru Paksha. Crows are also considered a symbol of Yama

No crows in this village after Tretayuga

Today we are discussing a village where crows are not seen since Tretayuga. The residents of the village say that when Lord Ram reached Ramgarh in Surguja during his exile, his younger brother Lakshman was connecting the mountains, so that Sri Lanka could be clearly visible from Ramgarh in Surguja. Meanwhile, a crow was going from Pahargaon in Surajpur district to inform Ravana about Lord Ram. Then Lakshman saw that crow and shot an arrow in its eye and since then it is believed that from that time crows are not seen in the village.

From a scientific point of view, the reason for the lack of crows in this village is believed to be that there is excessive use of pesticides in this area, hence crows are not seen here. However, villagers say that farmers in the Kalyanpur area of ​​Surajpur are more dependent on farming than the Pahargaon area, and there is more use of pesticides than this place, yet all birds, including crows, are visible there.

Villagers say that the claw marks of Lakshman are still present in the mountains of Pahargaon, which he had left during his exile. Apart from this, villagers believe that Lakshman had also cursed a piece of wood here to connect this mountain with the mountain of Ramgarh.

Astrologer Sanjit Kumar Mishra

Astrology Vastu and Gemstone Expert


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