
Pimples on Forehead in Summer: If pimples appear on the forehead in summer, then follow these expert tips.

Pimples on Forehead in Summer: Pimples appear on the forehead of most women during summer. The main reason for which is the scorching sun and dust. If you also get pimples on your forehead then there is no need to panic. Skin expert Anurag ji will tell us some home remedies, with the help of which we can get rid of forehead pimples…

Home remedies to get rid of foredhead rash

apply aloe vera gel

If pimples appear on your forehead during summer, then apply aloe vera gel on your entire face. This will keep the face cool and also works as a moisturizer.

wash face with ice

If you want to get rid of pimples on the forehead, wash your face with ice every morning or evening. By doing this the face will glow even in summer and the chances of getting pimples and rashes will also be reduced.

Apply multani mitti and rose water

If someone has a pimple on his forehead, then mix one spoon of multani mitti with rose water thoroughly. Apply this paste on your face every morning or before sleeping. This will not only keep your face cool, but will also get rid of pimples.

Multani Mitti and Lemon

If you are troubled by rashes during summer, then mix lemon juice in one spoon of multani mitti and mix it well. Then apply it on your forehead. This will remove pimples and acne and will also maintain glow on the face.

Also Read: Prevent pimples with this homemade face pack, know from skin experts

Coconut Oil and Multani Mitti

If pimples appear on your forehead, then add one spoon of multani mitti in coconut oil and mix it well. Apply this paste on your face. With this, all the blemishes and acne on your face will be eliminated and the complexion of the skin will also improve.

Also Read: How to take care of skin in summer with homemade toner moisturizer? know

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