
PHOTOS: Rain of happiness in the fields of Jharkhand, all the farmers engaged in planting paddy by locking their houses

farmers working in the fields

There is happiness on the faces of farmers waiting for the rains to sow paddy. Every face is jubilant. The fields are full of water. Locking their houses, everyone has gone to the fields. Somewhere the work of planting has started with the prepared seedling, while at some places the fields are being prepared for planting. Young and old people are busy planting paddy to the tune of Hi Re Hamar Sona Jharkhand, Heaven like a beautiful earth full of wealth, Happy end of life, Hi Re Hamar Sona Jharkhand… Women are planting paddy while singing and dancing. There folk singers are singing folk songs. Wishing for better farming and a bright future.

farmers doing farming

Farming on the land of our forefathers is no less than a festival. Along with planting, songs also resonate in the fields. Sweet dish is made in homes. It is not just rain, but happiness. It has rained late, but we have faith that our hard work will pay off. Water has started filling in the fields. Bitches are ready. Now it is believed that the work of planting will be completed, due to which the condition of the farmers will improve. Till a few days ago, it seemed that this year our fields would remain dry, but had faith in God. If it rains like this for a few days, then there will be no crisis in front of the farmers. Our planting will be successful. The fields will sway.

Farmer came from Bangalore for farming

Paddy transplanting was eagerly awaited. I have come from Bangalore only for Ranchi Ropa. Every year this rain is awaited. Due to continuous rains, happiness is visible on the faces of the whole family. Had already prepared Bichda. Now after the completion of Ropa work, I will return to Bangalore. Then wait for the harvest.

paddy planting

Karmu Munda, Panchayat Samiti member of Lalkhatanga Panchayat, along with his wife Savitri Devi, is engaged in paddy transplanting with the whole family. Karmu says: Was eagerly waiting for this rain. The first priority is to transplant paddy. It is not less than a festival. The whole family gets involved in farming.

happiness on the face of farmers

Everyone was eagerly waiting for this rain. Till a few days ago, it seemed that this time we would not be able to do farming. But the continuous rains for the last two days have also brought hope with it. Growing crops in your own field gives great relief.

Selfie craze with Roopni

The youth have also reached the villages. On one side, women are singing Ropa songs in the fields, while on the other hand youths are planting paddy on smartphones to the tune of Nagpuri songs. Selfie craze is also visible in the fields. Sharing photos on social media. At the same time, the people who went to work as laborers in other states are also engaged in farming after reaching their villages.

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