
PHOTOS: New Year in Palamu, Christmas hangover, celebration from school to college

Student performing dance in women’s college

Daltenganj, Saikat Chatterjee: The whole world including Jharkhand is busy preparing for Christmas and New Year. Palamu district is also not behind anyone. Be it a farewell party in college or a Christmas gathering in school. There is an atmosphere of celebration everywhere. A farewell ceremony for UG Semester-6 (2020-23) was organized before Christmas at Yodh Singh Namdhari Mahila Mahavidyalaya. The girls had a lot of fun on this occasion. College Principal Dr. Mohini Gupta said that all of you were a part of the college. You are the brand ambassador of the college. Make your college proud wherever you go.

Sana Nabi of Women’s College became Student of the Year

The dance of the students enthralled everyone. The students presented solo and group dance. Nivedita, Saloni, Muskaan, Darshita, Chanda and Kumkum and Preeti entertained the people by singing songs, while Rhea got the applause of the people with her speech. Sana Nabi was chosen Student of the Year.

Girl busy preparing for program at Heritage International School

There is a Christmas and New Year program at Heritage International School on 24th December. Preparations for this are going on. From teachers to children are rehearsing. On Saturday the children also rehearsed on stage. School Director Sangeeta Shankar and Principal Biju Joseph said that efforts are being made to ensure that the program organized on Sunday is spectacular. Apart from cultural programmes, there will also be a craft exhibition.

Students rehearsing the Hindi play ‘Aurat Teri Yehi Kahani’

In the program organized at Heritage International School, the students of the school will present the Hindi play ‘Aurat Teri Yehi Kahani’. The message of the condition of women and ban on female feticide will be given through the drama. In other programmes, there will be strong presentation of Bhangra, fusion of western and Indian dance and group songs.

Christmas Celebration at St. Mary’s School

Children had a lot of fun in the Christmas celebration at St. Mary’s School. Some children dressed up as Santa Claus and distributed a lot of toffees. Cultural programs also took place. School director Avinash Dev said that the arrival of the New Year should not only be taken as a celebration but also as a challenge. Students should decide what goals they have to achieve in the new year and what path they have to take to achieve this.

Christmas Celebration in Lilliput

Christmas celebration was also taking place in Lilliput Play School. Small children had a lot of fun pretending to be Santa Claus. Principal Renu Goyal said that celebration of New Year is a good thing. One should also be careful. Teacher Sapna disguised herself as Santa Claus and distributed gifts to the children. Many dances and carols were presented on Christmas theme.

Winning participants were awarded in Mission School

Annual sports competition was organized in Mission School. Principal Sister Ignacia said that the children got a chance to showcase their talent in this sports competition organized on the occasion of Christmas celebration. Many cultural programs also took place. Chief guest educationist Prof. Avadh Kishore and other guests awarded prizes to the winning participants.

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