
Photos: I am 49 years old, will keep fighting inside and outside the Parliament for the next 30 years: Mahua Moitra

Mahua Moitra

Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra on Friday compared her expulsion from the Lok Sabha to being punished by a ‘kangaroo court’, alleging that the government is using the Lok Sabha’s Ethics Committee as a weapon to force the opposition to bow down.

Mahua Moitra

This controversy started on October 15, just before Durga Puja. After that, state and national politics became no less turbulent due to that controversy. Trinamool MP Mahua Maitra’s parliamentary post was rejected in the Lok Sabha on Friday due to the ‘money-for-questions’ controversy.

Mahua Moitra

After the expulsion, Mahua Moitra said, “I am 49 years old and will keep fighting inside and outside the Parliament for the next 30 years.” Just before the puja, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey accused Trinamool MP Mahua of raising ‘questions in return for bribe’ in the Parliament. Was accused of.

Mahua Moitra

Responding minutes after she was expelled from the membership of the House on the recommendation of the Lok Sabha’s Ethics Committee, Moitra said she had been found guilty of violating a code of conduct that does not exist and that she would not have been given cash or gifts. There is no evidence of.

Mahua Moitra

The Ethics Committee of the Lok Sabha had recommended the expulsion of Mahua Moitra from the membership of the House in the case of ‘asking questions while taking money’.

Mahua Moitra

Mahua Moitra said that one of the two complainants in this case is her ex-boyfriend who appeared before the Ethics Committee as a common citizen with wrong intentions.

Mahua Moitra

Mahua said, “The Ethics Committee is punishing me for what is normal, accepted and encouraged in the Lok Sabha.

Mahua Moitra

He said that the entire case against him is based on sharing ‘login details’, but there are no rules set for this aspect.

Mahua Moitra

After her expulsion as TMC MP, Mahua Moitra said, “Ethics Committee has no power to expel. This is the beginning of the end for you (BJP).

Mahua Moitra

On her expulsion as a Lok Sabha member, Mahua Moitra said, “…if this Modi government thought that by silencing me they will end the Adani issue.

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