
PHOTOS: Do you know which is the smallest country in the world? Know here…

Smallest Country In The World: There are many countries in this world which are known for their population and area. But have you ever wondered which is the smallest country in the world? Today in this article we will talk about the smallest country in the world. So let us know in detail.

Vatican City

Which is the smallest country in the world?

Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Vatican City is a small state located in Rome, Italy. Its area is very small, and it is the smallest independent state in the entire world. Vatican City has an area of ​​approximately 44 hectares (0.17 sq mi) and has a relatively small richness of facilities and localities. Vatican City is also the seat of the Holy See and the center of the Catholic Church. The language here is Latin.

Vatican City

There is not a single Muslim

Vatican City is the only country in the world where not a single Muslim lives. Yes, you heard it right. This country is famous for back water transport. It is called the country of the Pope.

Places to visit in Vatican City

Vatican City

Let us tell you that there are very few places to visit in Vacitan City. If you are going here then definitely go to visit Vatican Garden. It is considered the most beautiful garden of Rome. Apart from this there is Sistine Chapel. Which was constructed between 1473 and 1481. Which is famous for the paintings on its ceiling. There is also St. Peter’s Basilica to be seen in Vatican. Which is known in Italian as ‘Basilica di San Pietro in the Vatican’. Saint Peter was buried in this church itself.

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