
PhD started in 10 subjects in Agriculture Faculty of Gorakhpur University, know full details

Gorakhpur: Deendayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University is revising its courses keeping in view the demand of the people. The university has also made amendments in agriculture courses. In this, special attention has been given to them by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. In order of amendment in the university, PhD courses have been increased in 10 subjects in the Faculty of Agriculture.

PhD courses have been extended on these 10 subjects

Agronomy, Horticulture, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Economics, Monetary Science, Animal Husbandry, Poultry Science.

The MSc Agriculture covers Plant Pathology, Soil Science and Animal Husbandry Science. At present, M.Sc. Agricultural Horticulture, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Entomology and Agricultural Economics are being taught in the department.

Professor Rajesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor of Gorakhpur University, said that to promote science-based agriculture and keeping in view the demand of the market, the curriculum has been amended. Its objective is to provide high level agricultural education to the students. He was told that those topics have been given place in the syllabus, questions related to which are asked in large numbers in competitive examinations so that the agricultural science students of the university can make their place in government and non-government jobs.

What did the Vice Chancellor of Gorakhpur University tell

The Vice-Chancellor informed that 20% seats in the B.Sc Agriculture of the University have been reserved for those students. Those who have applied for admission in B.Sc Maths or B.Sc Bio and have chosen B.Sc Agriculture as an option in their application form. Last year’s formula was adopted.

Report – Kumar Pradeep, Gorakhpur

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