
Pets Care In Holi: Protect your pets from Holi colors, these are some tips

Pets Care In Holi: Holi festival is coming in a few days. In this festival, people play with colors and gulal with great pomp and show, while people enjoy it, the biggest impact of this thing is on animals, sometimes due to these chemical colours, they get many types of infections and their It becomes very difficult to remove those colors. In such a situation, these are some measures by which you can take care of your beloved animals this Holi.

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: Pets Care In Holi: Protect your pets from the colors of Holi, these are some easy tips

Pets Care In Holi: Keep your pets indoors

Keep your pets indoors as much as possible during Holi, because no matter how hard you try, they may accidentally come in contact with the colors of Holi if kept outside. Therefore, make sure that you keep your pets inside the house until the Holi celebrations are over and all the colors are washed off.

Pets Care In Holi: Do not feed sweets to your pets in Holi

Eating sweets often causes many problems in animals, due to this they may face problems like stomach problems or hair loss. Therefore, instead of feeding them a happy dish, feed them their regular food only.

Pets Care In Holi: Give a safe space to your pets

During Holi, animals often get scared due to noise and alcohol. In such a situation, create a safe place for them on that day where they can spend the whole day comfortably.

On the day of Holi, if your pets get upset by staying at home all day, then take them out for a walk at night when the roads are empty. After being locked in the house the whole day, they will be very happy to go out.

Pets Care In Holi: Keep emergency contacts ready

Keep an emergency contact ready for any kind of problem that your pets may face. It often happens that even doctors are not present during festivals. In such a situation, definitely stay in touch with a doctor who is ready to see your stomach in case of emergency that day.

Holi Fashion Tips: Look different on Holi evening, prepare yourself like this

: Pets Care In Holi: Protect your pets from the colors of Holi, these are some easy tips

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