
People from these nine states are at the forefront of the list of ITR filers in India.


Record of income tax return

Income Tax Return: According to the Income Tax Department report, more than 7.85 crore Income Tax Returns (ITR) have been filed so far. Which has crossed the previous record of Rs 7.78 crore filed in the financial year 2022-23. The tax payer in India has created a record for himself.


Maharashtra is number one

But do you know which state’s people paid the highest tax in the last financial year? If not, we tell you. Maharashtra is at the forefront in the country in filing ITR. 1.98 crore people have filed income tax here.


75 lakh ITR filed in UP

Uttar Pradesh is at second place in the list of income tax return filers. In the year 2022-23, 75.72 lakh people had filed income tax returns here. Whereas, people of Gujarat are in third place. Where 75.62 lakh people filed ITR.

Rajasthan is in fourth place

Rajasthan is at fourth place in filing returns. 50.88 lakh ITR applications were filed from here. Whereas, 47.93 lakh people had filed returns from West Bengal.

Earlier more applications came in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu is at sixth place in terms of filing ITR in the financial year 2022-23. Where 47.91 people filed returns.

Who is ahead in Andhra and Karnataka?

Karnataka is at seventh place in filing ITR. 42.82 lakh applications came from here. Whereas, Andhra Pradesh is in eighth place. 40.09 lakh returns were filed from here.

39.99 lakh ITRs were filed in Delhi

People of the country’s capital Delhi are at ninth place in filing income tax returns. From here 39.99 lakh people filed returns in the last financial year.

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